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A comment on the quality of slabs, NGC, PCGS, ANACS, ICG, SEGS

I am not a big crackout person but I do, on occasion, crackout a coin, mainly to have it in a slab that goes well with the coin (i.e., I like copper in NGC slabs, silver in PCGS, tokens and misc. in ANACS.) Sometimes, I crack a coin case to try for a higher grade too as many do.

Recently, I cracked out a new NGC slab. I just wanted the coin in a PCGS slab at the same grade. I was surprised by how cheezy the white insert/gasket is- it's basically the same composition as PCI's. In addition, NGC's clear plastic shell is very easily scratched now- the coin I cracked was in a brand new NGC slab that was very greasy and scratchy as are other new NGC slabs I have seen. Is NGC aware of this? Does anybody agree/disagree?

PCGS and ANACS slabs seem to have high quality plastic shells and ANACS has a very high quality insert/gasket. Same for SEGS. IGC's slab has a decent gasket and shell too.

I buy the slab to certify grade and authenticity, as well as to display the coin. The aesthetics of the NGC slab in my opinion are today quite poor. Maybe, I just got a few bad ones. Any comments?

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