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Proof Barber half set is a real wow..chk this set of Zerbe's

I saw the new number #1 set listed today by "Zerbe" it is a trly 1 of a kind unbelievable set of coins..my hats off to him, this set is truly unbeatable..
Bruce Scher


  • Hey Bruce! I went to the PCGS registry set and didn't see it there - what am i doing wrong?

    (Oops - i just mistakenly posted under my boy's name.)
  • Zerbe's magnificent collection of Barber Half dollars


    Out of all the sets you have. I hope that someday you are able to get photos up of this set.

    This is truly a set that most certainly will never be matched!

    Better yet, if you ever display this set at a coin show let me know and I'll catch a flight just to see it!

    BTW, congrats on 100% completion!
  • I second oldcameoproofsguy's comments.........a set like that deserves.....no DEMANDS photos to be posted!

    And i'm DEMANDING it right here and now!..........Pretty Please????

    Seriously, coins like this are shared (and appreciated by others much more),.......when good clear photos are included.

    A real shame on the PCGS Registry only 1 photo is allowed. Don't they know a coin has two sides? NGC figured THAT out a long time ago! The supposed "TOP" grading service should change that shortcoming immediately.........right after they get the coin logjam solved....yeah right! image
    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!

  • scherscher Posts: 924
    hey adrian..im to computer weak to add the link but "oldcameo" did..just click on..
  • islemanguislemangu Posts: 1,378 ✭✭✭
    Is that the highest total score rating?image
  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    Thanks Bruce, for posting about my Barbers over here.

    Oldcameoproofsguy, you really like Proof Barbers a lot. image.

    I guess I have to spend even more time learning to take ' Anaconda
    pictures '. I had to start from square one, but I have been printing out all the tips and information regarding pictures and how to post pictures. So far I have only taken a dozen pictures using the Nikon 4500 and learned right away that it is a lot of trial and error. White Balance, Macro, and the hundred other settings are almost understood, but not quite. Just reducing a picture to less than 50 KB, took me half a day to learn exactly how to do. I am sure everything will come together soon, and THERE WILL BE PICTURES.image


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