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Merc MMs

Does anyone have a pic of a Micro-S mint mark.
I compared an earlier date S Merc and it looks the same size, but on the later date S Mercs I have,except the `Micro-S I have, the S is bigger.

One `S` Merc I have,1936 S, the `S` is tilted at about 45 degrees compared to others I saw in my stash.
Is this coockeyed `S` normal for a `36 S Merc?

Thanks for any help.


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    wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭
    pm sent.

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    FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,415 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here you go. The top one is the Micro and the bottom is a regular 45S. Three different Mint Marks were used for this date I believe. Also a couple of RPM's are floating around for this date.


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    Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    Thats great Ken. That helped.
    Yes I guess I do have the Micro-S as its like the top pic.
    Three different MMs for a `45 you say?
    Well,I guess I know the regular S and the Micro S,but whats the other.
    The inverted S ? Or was that on another denom.........

    Brian- Thanks for the PM and offer but it looks like Ken cleared it up for me for the most part.

    Still I wonder about the third `S` Ken talked about AND, Whats up with my tilted `S` `36.
    Its IT a variety in the series?

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    FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,415 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The Mint marks were applied by hand with a punch on these coins. As hard as the employees tried to keep them in the exact location on one working die to another it just did not work out that way. Many of the dates will show mint marks in different positions. One that comes to mind is the 38D which has a mint mark variety tilted as you have described your 36S.

    The three Mint Marks for the 45S are the Micro the Knob Tail and the Trumpet Tail. The Knob and Trumpet Tail S's are not easily distinguished from each other so not a whole lot of interest is shown in the two. Actually the Trumpet Tailed S is more rare than the Micro type.

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    Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    Ah yes.Now I remember you had mentioned the trump-tailed `S`before now.

    On my`36 `tilted D`,are these uncommon?.I mean,yall are some pretty big Merc guys
    and you dont have one? Makes me think I might have a tough variety or something.. :-)

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    FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,415 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My 36D is pretty much straight. Look at this whacked out of shape 38D though. Is this what your 36D looks like ?


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    Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    I,m sorry.I say D.Its an S that tilted on the `36 I have.
    And yes its about that tilted like the D you have.

    Looking at a 1940 S weak strike/whizzed.etc the S looks like its a trump type S.
    Its is known in the 1940?

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