Turnaround times.

in Q & A Forum
Out here in the real world, when a company gets behind on their orders, they work extra overtime hours during the weekdays and Saturdays and Sundays if the need is there! Does PCGS do the same, and if not, Why? I really don't expect an answer to this, because you all seem to avoid the subject!!...Thanks anyway, Ken
The market is hot and submissions are going up. I working on adding to the grading staff, but we want the right graders...I'm sure you don't want an apprentice to grade your coins.
We need graders...we pay about $20,000 per month. Pass the word...but don't call unless I already know who you are and everyone already respects your world class grading skills.
Pass the word...we need a another grader or two.
PS...Monday was one of our largest submission days ever...we are being bombarded with coins. We'll work on it, but we are not going to compromise on the quality of the people that grade your coins.