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This Morgan is SSSOOOOO flatly struck.......

RNCHSNRNCHSN Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭
Have you ever seen a Morgan that was so flatly struck that you can still see the original surface marks from the planchet?

I bought one at a local auction last night. Liberty's ear is so weak that all you see is indentation in the center (aural orifice), and the lower edge of her ear. Otherwise a flat, planchet surface from the cheek to the hair, just below the cotton blossoms. The eagle's breast is non-existant! The legs are outlined, and the high points of the wings along the (non-existant) breast are flat! The neck is flat. The whole suface of the breast, legss and wing edges still show the planchet surface marks.

However, the coin is otherwise an MS-65 with nice frost and mirrors! It's an 1884-O, in case you're wondering.

I'd post scans, but I always get a message about the file being too large. Anybody have any help for that problem so I can attach a scan? I can email scans to anyone who's curious.


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