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NGC STAR designation

I recently sent a 1879- S S$1 already graded NGC MS65 for reholdering and designation review. The coin came back in a new holder graded MS65 star*. I looked in the NGC pop report and they showed that they had graded over 10,000 in MS65 with only 6 graded MS65 star* The coin has multicolor rainbow tones on the obv. Does this mean that I own one of the 6 prettiest 1879-S MS65 morgans that NGC has ever graded?
PCGS,NGC & ANACS certified toned Morgan dollar dealer.


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    jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178
    what about if this one was NGC graded image it is graded ms68 by PCGS

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    ERER Posts: 7,345

    << <i>I recently sent a 1879- S S$1 already graded NGC MS65 for reholdering and designation review. The coin came back in a new holder graded MS65 star*. I looked in the NGC pop report and they showed that they had graded over 10,000 in MS65 with only 6 graded MS65 star* The coin has multicolor rainbow tones on the obv. Does this mean that I own one of the 6 prettiest 1879-S MS65 morgans that NGC has ever graded? >>

    Show picture, then I 'll tell you.image
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    RussRuss Posts: 48,515 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Does this mean that I own one of the 6 prettiest 1879-S MS65 morgans that NGC has ever graded? >>

    Only if the other 9,994 have also been sent in for review.

    Russ, NCNE
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    ccrccr Posts: 2,446
    Well in around about way uhmmm yeah. It doesn`t refer to color as you may already know. It refers to, that by thier standards, it`s an above average example for the grade but not enough to go to the next grade up.
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    bozboz Posts: 1,405
    It also recognizes eye appeal.
    The great use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it--James Truslow Adams
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    rainbowroosierainbowroosie Posts: 4,874 ✭✭✭✭
    Yes, it does...such is the danger of pop tops.imageimage
    "You keep your 1804 dollar and 1822 half eagle -- give me rainbow roosies in MS68."
    rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
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    GATGAT Posts: 3,146
    This NGC star business is just like like who gets the MS70s at PCGS and NGC. It's a matter of who you are and who you know. In other words a bunch of horse manure.
    USAF vet 1951-59
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    jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178

    I disagree with you on that one
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    GATGAT Posts: 3,146

    I have NGC coins in my possession with stars that don't deserve it and others that do without stars.
    I don't post much but have a large toned collection with quite a few monsters.
    USAF vet 1951-59
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    rainbowroosierainbowroosie Posts: 4,874 ✭✭✭✭
    Any toned dimes....sorry, I am an addict!!!imageimage
    "You keep your 1804 dollar and 1822 half eagle -- give me rainbow roosies in MS68."
    rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
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    << <i>Well in around about way uhmmm yeah. It doesn`t refer to color as you may already know. It refers to, that by thier standards, it`s an above average example for the grade but not enough to go to the next grade up. >>

    The NGC star has nothing to do with PQ for the grade. It's all about what they think is exceptional eye appeal. It is there way of saying that they think your coin is exceptionally beautiful.

    Andy image
    We are finite beings, limited in all our powers, and, hence, our conclusions are not only relative, but they should ever be held subject to correction. Positive assurance is unattainable. The dogmatist is the only one who claims to possess absolute certainty.

    First POTD 9/19/05!!

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    coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,305 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Dont worry about the pops. Be happy you got a nice coin. If you worry about pops you'll go crazy. It does say that the coin probably has a lot of eye appeal. Keep it and enjoy it.

    Jbsteven. Be nice! Let the kid enjoy his get!!image

    Gat. See your point but it is not all BS. You may have some coins that deserve the star but dont have it, but I will say that I have never seen an ugly coin in a star holder.

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    GATGAT Posts: 3,146

    Sorry old man, (Got that from my 3 years in England) but no Roosies. What has my dander up is I just received today a 1956 Frankie from NGC graded MS65 without a star. If ever one deserved it this one did but no cigars.
    USAF vet 1951-59
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    << <i>This NGC star business is just like like who gets the MS70s at PCGS and NGC. It's a matter of who you are and who you know. In other words a bunch of horse manure. >>

    Sorry, but you are way of base on that one!!! And please don't try to compare a * on a holder to a MS70 job at PCGS. Huge difference in market value. The star really means nothing since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the NGC star ONLY designated "exceptional eye-appeal". I have a morgan in MS-63, it has a star. At the end of the day, it is a prety MS 63! I also have several in higher grades, but I didn't pay MS-70 prices for them!

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
    moments that take our breath away.
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    michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    for me from my limited understanding and after talking to some of the graders and people at ngc and what john maben has answered on the ngccoin.com coin boards months and months ago where he got really in great detail and really all should read his comments before they make any comments about the star designation at all as it is hard to make comments unless you understand ngc's comments on it!!

    my understanding is that it is one of the most subjective of the designations but that all the graders have to agree and so does the finalizer and if one doesnot agree it doesnot get the star and they do have strick standards for the star designation

    that many who are not involved in grading coins would not see without a personal description and also being the owners of said coins looking for the star the submitters only being human like the old saying goes the owner of the coin usually sees the coin in a better light........... and so on

    but for me i like the star and from my personal experiences in the coin game and who i know and talk to within my specialities afete many decades of seeing such nice coins agree ngc gets the star right on most all of the coins
    now are there star coins that do not get the star? i have no doubt
    are there maybe some precious few coins that get the star that might not be star? maybe i am sure but few

    i like the star as usually it is right on and from again my personal experience with walkers and pre 1915 coins the stars are well deserved

    there are series like morgans that i have no doubt will get and qualify for many stars comapired to a pre civil war half dime superb gem with a star
    and i am sure many moderns coins like post 1950 coins will get stars but in its context i think
    a true star coin acknoledged by the leading dealers out there by their pocketbooks say for a superb gem seated dime seated halfdime for example with a star may mean more than for a morgan or a roosie dime or washington quarter? in terms of rarity abet not price as the modern coins are currently more popular but who knows??

    well add in the personalities of many people then i can see why you get

    a comment like GAT which is perfectly understandable even though i might not agree with it!

    i guess for me IT ALL BOILS DOWN TO SEEING THE COIN IN HAND SIGHT SEEN i like the star if i look at the coin and it is a monster and blows me away for waht it is in the context of the grade

    do i like the ms68 monster toned star 1860 halfdime yes yes yes with or without the star it is acknowledged by the specialists and dealers in such coins that have seen this coin as well monster!

    same with the 1886 ms67 star seated dime
    same with the original rainbow toned ms66 star walker 41s
    same with the boone and oregon

    all deserving

    but for coins that are late 1940's post 1950 and for coins in series that there are many many many monster toned coins or great really greAT TONED COINS well i cant answer as i do not specialize in such but i have my aducated guesses and opinions which i will keep to myself

    but either way the star designation is the most subjective of all things the grading services do

    and of course will cause the most amount of controversey as such!!!!!

    but if it was not good there would be not much interest in it as it usually gets on the boards when it is presented in a new thread/topic

    but again i need to see the coin and so far the coins that ihave seen in my specialities interests and in those dealers and collectors i have spoken to that are personally known to me that i trust they also like the star! if the coin is all there

    but with anything else buy the coin not the holder

    and as to buying a modern coin with a star post 1950 for multiples over a non star coins for the most part let the buyer beware

    I GUESS WHEN IT ALL BOILS DOWN JUST SHOW ME THE COIN EVEN IF IT IN A 79 STAR HOLDER AND IT COMES DOWN TO THIS WHAT IS THE PRICE it is really not about the coin nor the grade on the holder just one thing are we close on price the meeting of the mind??

    how many times i have seen buyers and sellers of coins not agree on what the coin grades let alone is!!!!!!!!! but they agree on the price and thatis all that smart successful transactions are about

    sincerely michael

    i am also getting tired of all thawt think the star is high end for the grade!!!! ngc has stated that the star is for exceoptional eye appeal only where are these people who say the star is for high end for the grade? where do they get their information from ? off the top of their heads?? i have seen a major png dealer in an ad last dec state they had a star coin for sale and it ment high end for the grade!!

    i called ngc and they said at the fun show they would mention it to this dealer as claerly he was uninformed well in march april this same dealer again in a national ad in coin world is still stateing his star coins as high end for the grade!!!!!!

    i guess this will never change...........lol

    could a star coin be high end or low end or overgraded or solid for the grade i guess so but

    the star only means exceptional eye appeal as defined by 2/three world class graders and the finalizer


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    According to NGC as the star designation concerning toned coins , toning must not interupt any luster on the coin and there can be no shades of brown or black. Also, if any 1 of the grading party does not agree that the coin should recieve star designation even if the others do agree to star the coin, the coin does not recieve the designation. I also read in the same NGC newsletter that less than one percent of all coins submitted recieved the star designation.
    PCGS,NGC & ANACS certified toned Morgan dollar dealer.
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    michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    AND the star coins as below i have seen among others specifically in my specialities

    1860 ms68 * halfdime
    1886 ms67* dime
    1941s ms66* walker
    boone ms67*
    oregon ms68*

    these coins would knock you on your ass if you saw them

    sincerely michael
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    Do they put a piece of schitt on it if it came close to making the next grade down? What a joke! It was just another way to get you to submit the coin again! Whats next?
    You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!
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    michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    well i must say wallstreet

    you certianly have endeared yourself to me on these boards

    and always have positive comments to share

    next time i talk to ngc i will let them know of your astute positive suggestions for consideration to add to their services

    you are certainly on my list of top coin people to meet if i ever get to a coin show where you are also attending

    sincerely michael
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    bozboz Posts: 1,405
    The great use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it--James Truslow Adams
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    Sorry, but I dont believe you can tell someone if a coin is appealing, thats a matter of personal preference! Its so obvious what they are about, $$$$$$, they dont care about numismatics! I really believe that though, if your going to say a coin almost deserved an upgrade for appeal, then you should say when it almost deserved a downgrade. Maybe they can make some extra money from the people trying to get the piece of schitt taken off! image
    You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!
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    braddickbraddick Posts: 23,429 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've never seen an NCG coin I didn't like, usually a lot. There STAR system works 100% of the time, for me. That's about all the evidence I need that NGC is doing this one right.


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    rwhiterwhite Posts: 326
    Sorry, but I dont believe you can tell someone if a coin is appealing,

    BUT, you believe someone can tell you what grade a coin is?!? Just a thought.
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    You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!

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