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Question about grading designation on Roosevelt dime

What is the FB designation and why does it add so much to the price of the coin? Also, why are the 2000p and 2000d so expensive? Is it a mintage issue or are people just gouging prices and I haven't found the right deal yet?
Glock: the original point and click interface.
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    relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570
    FB = Full bands (or FBL Full Band Lines)

    If the 2000's are expensive I'd assume it has to do with quality issues - i.e. most are junky

    PS - I thought Cameron was the coincopimage
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
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    Ok Thanks for the FB explanation. I guess when I say expensive I'm comparing to other year 2000 coins. Denvercoins sold me the 2000s pr69dcam for 15 delivered. The last 2000 p I bid on eventually went for 41.00 for ms68 and the 2000d went for 26.00 for ms68. But the 2000p and d with the FB designation are starting at 79.95. And it WonderCoin that's got them up for bids so I have to believe that's a fair and accurate price. (just more than I'm paying) Now if anyone has the 2000p or d in a pcgs slab around ms 66 or better, let me know what your price is.
    Glock: the original point and click interface.
    The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.
    Guns have only two enemies, rust and liberals.
    Criminals love gun control, it makes their profession safer.
    If guns are outlawed can we use swords?
    A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone

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