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Buying directly from Heritage questions.

I have never bought a coin directly from their post auctions or from their inventory. I would have to guess the service would be just as great as the auction service but I have a couple of questions:

1. Post auction sale - Would I still have to pay BP on this, or has the BP allready been included.
2. On coins from their inventory that do NOT list a MAKE OFFER option are they absolutely firm on this price, or is there another way to propose a bid for the coin.
3. Is there any other hidden charges other then Postage and handling when buying these coins.
4. Is postage the same as auction postage.
5. Do they allow you to make payments, for up to a month or so. IF not how long do they give you to cough up the dough before they sick a big dog on ya for collection.




  • northcoinnorthcoin Posts: 4,987 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Keep in mind that a post auction sale coin is one that 100's of in person bidders have seen and rejected. I know it is tough to return an auction coin but don't know if their post auction coins allow more leeway for returns.
  • ccrccr Posts: 2,446

    << <i>5. Do they allow you to make payments, for up to a month or so. IF not how long do they give you to cough up the dough before they sick a big dog on ya for collection. >>

    I think thier policy is that they expect full payment within 72 - 96 hours. If not, they will get penalized and in turn you will to. They serve as middleman for the coins they auction so, they don`t own them. Part of thier auction policy is that the coins they auction is a service to the original owner of the coin and promises, as a customer service, to give them the money very soon after the winning auction is over. If you fail to pay in the aloted time, you risk losing your privlages to bid on any of thier auctions. I think it might be a little longer that they expect the full payment like about 7 days.
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would call and ask. For credit it depends on how badly they want you as a new or continuing customer. You can always make am offer even if a coin is not listed in their make an offer section. The worst that can happen is that they say no. Like most things in life: if ya don't ask; ya don't get.

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