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1880 8/7 VAM6 (ears & crossbar)...what's value

I have 1880-P 8/7 PCGS AU53. It appears to be VAM 6 w/ small spikes or ears above second 8 & crossbar across top half of upper loop. There is also VAM 7 & VAM 8 but really closest to VAM 6. My father tells me RCI lists @ $750. Of course, this is retail type value but what is realistic worth of coin..."graysheet" type value? Scan clearly shows "spikes" esp on left side. Crossbar does not scan very well but it is there. Just wondering if you guys might know if it is VAM 6 & its estimated value & the first one who says somewhere between $1 & $1,000,000.00 gets slapped...hardimage. Thanks


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    GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
    hey, that hurt, so I'll try and be a little more realistic, but first -

    If your Dad uses the RCI Top 100 Valu-guide, we need to hook up.image

    Okay, according to the Spring2003 Valu-guide, Pop is way off and more in line with a VAM7, which traded over the last quarter at $625 in AU50 and "unknown" in MS, according to this source.

    The Vam 6 trades (last quarter stats for this source) at $95 in AU50 and $400 in MS60.

    Hope this helps

    Couple of additional facts: Breen#5535; FS# $1-003 This variety is known as the "1880-P "Spikes" 8/7 Overdate" and is a Top100 Morgan dollar variety.

    Of course, all Top100 data is compiled using figures for "properly attributed" and publicly accessible data.
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    DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,974 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Your coin is a VAM 6.

    VAM 7 is the tougher coin in general (VAM 8 is ultra tough), but is unknown in MS. It is also more valuable by quite a bit, but basically only to VAM spacialists.

    VAM 6 is more available in all grades, especially AU and up, and there are a sprinkling of MS coins known.

    PCGS certifies both as 1880 8/7, which is a very scarce and desireable coin in MS, due to the Registry Set folks. However, pretty much the only reason why there are any 8/7 MS examples in holders is, PCGS also recognizes VAM 9 as an 8/7.

    Where I'm going with this is, if you want an MS 8/7 in a PCGS holder, look for a VAM 9, because they're out there. If you have a VAM 7 and want to sell it, you'll have to find a VAM specialist who is willing to pay VAM 7 value as opposed to 8/7 type price. If you have an AU VAM 6 in a PCGS holder, $100 is about what you can get for it. If you want an MS VAM 6, it's going to take a while to find one.

    -- Dennis
    When in doubt, don't.
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    GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭

    You sound like a VAMer. Why don't we communicate more often? Did I pi$$ you off sometime in the past, or have I not provided sufficient VAM knowledge. Hey, I'm not trying to pick a fight, it's just that there are so few VOCAL variety specialists (Morgans) on the board; it just seems we should be in touch more UNLESS

    the fact that I'm not a member of the SSDC has earned me a "redline". Hey, I got my reasons and if you are a member, I sure would like to talk about them.
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    DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,974 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hello Gilbert!

    You've never done anything to offend me! I don't post much because there are too many people who, rather than using these boards to give help and support to fellow collectors, instead use them to strut their egos and deride others. Life is too short to put up with them, so I stay away.

    But when a REAL coin question comes up where the person appears to genuinely want or need some help, I thinks it's my responsibility to at least try to help if I can.

    I don't consider myself a VAMer per se, but rather a Morganaholic who has a special interest in the varieties that PCGS recognizes.

    I'm not a member of SSDC either. I've tried to join twice in the last four years or so, but my membership checks never get cashed; my e-mails never get answered; and I finally decided they must not want any new members. I do, however, consider Jeff Oxman a friend and one of the real class acts in all of numismatics.

    I'm always happy to talk about VAMs, as long as it isn't an 1878-P. That part of the VAM book still gives me blurry vision and headaches.

    -- Dennis
    When in doubt, don't.
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    PCGS also recognizes the VAM 10 as an 8/7, I currently have one on eBaY.
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    DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,974 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hello Kyle!

    This is MAJOR news you've just given me... plus it's quite a shock!!

    It's major news because VAM 10 is way easier to find then VAM 9 in MS grades. I now have an excellent chance of upgrading my MS62.

    It's a huge shock because I've tried twice (but both last year) to get VAM 10 recognized as an 8/7; even sending notes along with the submission invoice explaining why I thought it should be. What I got back were handwritten notes saying that the overdate feature wasn't strong enough to qualify.

    Thanks again!!

    -- Dennis
    When in doubt, don't.
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    coinkatcoinkat Posts: 22,894 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Out of VAMs 6,7 and 8, VAM 6 is the most common, and a nice original AU 50 should go for alittle over $100. Perhaps VAM 23 is over looked as being a rare two digit overdate 80/79. I don't believe there are any known uncs.

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

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    GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the explanation. Your experience with SSDC appears about identical with mine, although I have never sent any money, because, as you said, I have yet to get and answer to ANY correspondence. So, I'm stuck harassing Dr. Fey or LVA when I need confirmation of one thing or the other. They put out nice pubs though (the combination of SSDC, Jeff Oxman, Mike Fey, Van Allen, Dave Wang).

    Unfortunely or not, I am engrossed in the 1878 varieties, but dabble in ANY VAM type issues.

    Do you find some of the so-called "desirable varieties" a bit, well, uninteresting? I just can't get into "pitted" and "die gouge" varieties. I think some of these coins make into the Top100, Hot50 or other "interesting" variety lists just because someone takes the time to document their discoveries, and that's how they are recognized. For example, I can't recall the name, but someone is working on a book of 1921D varieties, die breaks, die chips, etc.

    The 8tf, 7/8tf, 79S Rev of 78, Top100 and Hot50 guides are invaluable, and the first two pubs definitely make the 1878 varieties more manageable, though I must admit the Vam Book itself is a bear by itself.

    Anyway, if I can help with any research, holla' and I'll do the same.
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    here is the PCGS holder for this coin.
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    I am glad I am not the only one to be ignored by the SSDC.

    Go VAMS.

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    Add my name to the list of those ignored by the SDCS. Mailed in the form and a check and never heard from them - the check has not cleared.

    Seems we have enough people on this board who are interested in silver dollars to start our own club. Anyone else up for starting a new club?


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    I agree. I believe the SSDC is defunct, dead, no more, etc. I find Morgan Silver Dollar collectors to be alive and kicking out there and in here. A new club would be awesome.

    I have tried in the past to post Morgan Dollar questions and comments on the eBay coin chat room. That forum is just not into Morgan Dollars.

    I have been rejuvinated upon my arrival into this forum that there seems to be a nice congregation of Morgan Silver Dollar collecters here.

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    SDCollectorSDCollector Posts: 886 ✭✭
    As a new Morgan collector, I would definitely join a Morgan silver dollar club. I've been to VAMLINK a few times, but the info seems dated, although I haven't kept up on their recent discoveries. I was a little uneasy about sending them a check to join the SSDC, since it again seemed like the site was not being updated.


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