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Peace Dollar "find" story....possible 5 figure!!

I NEVER go into coin shops mainly due to the local shops here do not carry a wide selection of coins. Then again, I only collect Peace Dollars which have been slabbed by PCGS so walking into a coin shop is usually a waste of time. Last Tuesday I was sitting at a stop-light, right in front of one of those mini-malls and lo and behold, a coin/jewelery shop I'd never seen. I figured, o.k. why not. I pulled in and parked. A lady was already in the shop and "unloading" all of her silver she had. I ONLY collect Peace dollars so you could show me a $ 10,000 Barber and I'd never know it. I looked at the coin case in the shop and found basically nothing, some 22's, 23's in plastic holders which were not even UNC. Just about when I was about to leave, I noticed that the lady who had walked in and sold her silver had gone and left her coins all scattered out on the counter. So, I walked over there and saw just one Peace dollar. I asked the owner if they were for sale and she said that they were, she just bought them from the lady that was in there. So I asked to look at the 25 and she handed it to me. If you are a Peace dollar collector, you know that the 1925 is usually covered in a golden patina. This coin was DARK yellow; the deepest I've ever seen on a 25'. Just when i was about to put it down, I checked the mint mark and it was a "S". I asked the owner for a loop and checked out the coin and found no wear, full letters and hardly a tick anywhere. All of the rays in the hair were perfect too. I flipped it over, and as usual for SF coins, a weaker reverse with one mark. I asked the owner how much and she said $ 12. I was thinking about bringing her down a little but I was too nervous.. so i paid it. image It is now on it's way to "RKFISH" Steve at PQdollars who is nice enough to submit it to PCGS for me. If PCGS grades it as their book indicates (Obverse grade holds with possible deduction for weaker strikes), it is a possible MS65. I have a picture of the coin but it's 71K. I can send it to someone who can cut it down a little and post it (I don't know how).

It doesn't stop there... there was also one Morgan dollar that the lady brought in. It was in pretty good shape, but again, I don't collect them so I don't know dates, etc. It was a 1893. When I got home, I checked the price on one in circulated condition and noticed that it was worth the $ 12 too (even a plain one was $50+). Needless to say, when I called back the next day... it was gone... I guess there's rrom on this board for another "find" story.....


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    MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Congrats, no matter what happends you scored a winner! If you turn you PM on, I'll send you my Email and host your picture!
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

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    PM is on now. The owner never even looked at the peace dollar from what I saw. Again, this was a Jewel shop too so she may just buy coins for the silver? maybe she thought that there was so much toning on the coin that it wasn't worth much or that it was a common date 25.
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    bozboz Posts: 1,405
    Wow! That would be a great addition to your collection even if it comes back as MS64. Great find. Let us know how it turns out.image
    The great use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it--James Truslow Adams
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    merz2merz2 Posts: 2,474
    That is a great find!!! I am just starting a collection of PCGS Peace $'s.I'd love to make a find like that.I don't suppose it would be a dupe ? Or do you have a lower graded one that you'd sell ?
    Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
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    DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    Man, I'd love to see the coin, and the color. Sounds fabulous. Congratulations!
    Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
    and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
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    Marty should have it up in 3....2...1.....
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    MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

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    Also, notice the grove in the back of the neck from her hair down. Planchet mark? Overpolished Die? There is no doubling on the coin anywhere. I have a close-up if someone wants to see (help me post) I couldn't find it under any VAM....
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    ccrccr Posts: 2,446
    Yeah I think you got your moneys worth. It`s one of those mouments that you happen to be in the right place at the right time. Not sure about 65 but it looks in the 63/64 range to me. In which is still a really good deal.
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    I thought a solid 64 maybe a shot at 65.. either way, like you say, I got a great deal...
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    MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

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    DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    Looks like a 64+ to me, and I love the lemon color. Sweet!
    Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
    and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
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    If the reverse is as nice as the obverse I think you have a great shot @ MS65. I've seen 64s with not that much hair detail. How's the feathers on the right wing?

    Great story, I still kick myself over a 21 HR that I found in a little store that I didn't buy and I swore it could have gone MS65, the dealer wanted $125.00 for it!

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    TassaTassa Posts: 2,373 ✭✭
    Good for you! image I love hearing "great find" stories. Hopefully, one day I'll have one of my own to tell.
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    I can't offer an opinion on grade, BUT, you have a great looking coin there. Congrats................Ken
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    ccrccr Posts: 2,446
    The reason for being tough on it, and I respect DHeaths` and Frattlaws` opinions, is that I may reading too much in what looks like ticks to me. One on the cheek, one on the field in line of the nose, one leading from the eye into the hair, and one in the back of the head in the hair about nose level. No question about the strike in which is pretty good. So to me it`s a MS64 and again I may be reading too much into the ticks.
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    tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,161 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's a coin that needs a dip to get the best grade. Congrats on your purchase!
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    RussRuss Posts: 48,515 ✭✭✭
    Am I reading the Greysheet right on this one? MS64 bids at $400, but MS65 bids at $15,500? Damn, man! I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for you!

    Russ, NCNE
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    Second that, run it through NCS prior to submitting it to PCGS. image

    The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
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    DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    Peaceman, is that a clash between the 2 and 5?
    Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
    and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
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    Under magification, there's a few squigles by the date and a blemish on the nose, nothing else. The reverse did have a hairline scratch in the middle of the eagle but I've seen a lot of 65's that are worse off in a PCGS holder. I had to take about 50 pictures of this coin in order to get it to see detial because it was so dark. This is what the coin really looks like too. I think this pic was under a high intensity light.

    Any insight into the gouge?
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    rkfishrkfish Posts: 2,617 ✭✭✭
    I look forward to seeing this coin in person!

    TDN may have hit the "nail on the head" with this one. From the pics I have looked at
    the coin appears very clean! In my opionion, from the pic......it's a lock 64! Not much downside
    here with a purchase price of $12 and the grading fees.image

    I do appreciate Peaceman trusting Larry and I enough to send the coin to us and allowing
    us to submit it for him.......looking forward to seeing it and the results! Good luck!

    Check out my PQ selection of Morgan & Peace Dollars, and more at:
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    ToneloverTonelover Posts: 1,554

    << <i>Second that, run it through NCS prior to submitting it to PCGS. >>


    Send it to PCGS first and see how it goes. You can always clean it, I mean conserve it afterwards.
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    Thanks for all of the positive replies everyone and the PM's. Once I get it back, I'll post the results. I'll let Steve at PQdollars make the decision if it should be dipped or not. I don't have enough grading experience to make that call.
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    Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,875 ✭✭✭
    Hey I think that could be a great coin! image Methinks it's a 63, possibly 64, which will still be great.
    I'm not as generous as everyone else because I see some reed marks in the fields, on the face and the big hits around the date will hurt some. I agree about the dip, it would be a good candidate for a dip because the slight gold color and the black spots hurt the appearance. The darkness around the date & LIBERTY might not come out well though. If I were keeping it it would stay original but if I were selling it I'd throw it in the jeweluster right quick. I'm pretty sure it isn't as gold as the picture.
    There are 3 different VAMS for that model. 1 is normal & 2 are good ones with a DDR. One has doubled leaves and the other has a doubled wing; both are in the Hot 50 so you could very well have another added bonus. Good luck & keep us posted!!
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.

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