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scanning a pic help

Will somebody please tell me how to upload a pic to this forum using a jpg? it won't let me attach anything?


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    jomjom Posts: 3,428 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think you can attach anything....I'm not sure. You need to upload the pic to your ISP server (if you have one) then use the image button to point to it. That's what I do anyway....

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    This was posted today on the Registry Forum today. Maybe this will help you.

    To put pictures with your post, there are a few things you will need to know.
    1. Go to the top of the screen where it say's navigation. Click on customize and click WYSIWYG editor to NO.
    2. When you Post or reply to a post, you should see 14 Icons on top of the open message text.
    3. The fourth Icon should resemble a picture frame with a mountain in the picture.
    4. This is the IMAGE icon. You will use this to place images on your post or replies.
    5. Upload your images on the PCGS site, This is the easiest way to get pictures posted.
    6. Getting your pictures on your post or reply from the PCGS site requires you to do this.
    A. Click on the IMAGE icon.
    B. Type in the IMAGE BOX http://forums.collectors.com//attachments/
    C. After typing that in type in your file name exactly as it appears! Ex. 1913buff67o.jpg
    D. You then have in the box line of the IMAGE http://forums.collectors.com//attachments/1913buff67o.jpg
    E. Hit enter, This puts [img]http://forums.collectors.com//attachments/1913buff67o.jpg[img] on your post
    F. Click on preview to make sure you got the file name right. If you did, your picture will appear in a separate box. If you did it wrong, you will get a white box with red X in it.
    G. If everything went okay, you can put text in. BTW you can put text in before the picture, and or after the picture.

    For Newbies, To upload a picture to PCGS.
    On the bottom of the screen where you post or reply, you see a square the says Attach File(s).
    Click on this and you see a browse button. Click on the Browse button and choose the picture file you want to upload to PCGS. The file has to be smaller than 50kb or it won't accept it. Click on the file you want, then click Open. After doing this you will notice an upload button on the right of the screen.
    Click it. You will see your file load to the PCGS site.

    This ought to get you going. Remember if you delete a file from your upload box, that image will no longer be seen wherever you posted it. Don't post just anything. This will clog PCGS's servers. Okay, Get to sharing!!
    Constellatio Collector sevenoften@hotmail.com
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