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To all coin experts who buy, sell and collect coins in slabs:Do these numbers mean much?

Coin FinderCoin Finder Posts: 7,018 ✭✭✭✭✭

These numbers are found on the Greysheet every week. Pcgs has been losing ground to NGC so it seems.

Latest Market indicator:

PCGS: 84.99%
NGC: 83.03%
ANACS: 59.86%
PCI: 63.01%
NCI: 33.39%
INS: 34.72%



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    braddickbraddick Posts: 23,439 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>These numbers are found on the Greysheet every week. Pcgs has been losing ground to NGC so it seems. Latest Market indicator: PCGS: 84.99% NGC: 83.03% ANACS: 59.86% PCI: 63.01% NCI: 33.39% INS: 34.72% Tbig >>

    PCI is still ahead of ANACS?

    I'm also surprised NCI is still listed. They should be dropped and ICG and/or SEGS inserted.


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    Means not a whit to me.

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