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What should I pay in commissions??

JOsborneJOsborne Posts: 115 ✭✭✭
I'm considering selling about $100K worth of coins in my collection and I've just about decided to use Heritage. They advertise that their seller's fees are "as low as 5%". Is this negotiable? Should I try to get less or is this typical of the large auction services?


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    itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    Get less. They also charge 15% commission to the purchaser... this comes out of your bottom line.

    Any below $500 (you know, chump change) coins I need?
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    Catch22Catch22 Posts: 1,086 ✭✭
    At 100k, you should be at the lower range of commissions. You could probably get them to fly out to view them.

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    RussRuss Posts: 48,515 ✭✭✭
    If I were going to be consigning $100K in coins, I'd shoot for zero commission.

    Russ, NCNE
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    MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    For 100K in coins maybe a -1% or -2% rebate.
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

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    tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,161 ✭✭✭✭✭
    $100k or more - try a little experiment:

    Ask for their best offer as a partial rebate of the buyer's fee. Then contact a national dealer and ask them to place the coins for you into auction and beat that best percent of hammer offer. See what happens.
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    jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,635 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think with a collection of good stuff in excess of 100K, I think you have some bargaining power. I think you could get heritage to drop the sellers comission or reduce to little of nothing and then just figure in the 15% buyers premium by using the actual hammer price as your price realized. They are really looking for nice coins to enhance thier sales and advertising.

    If your coins are graded by PCGS, NGC and are solid for the grade with nice eye-appeal and are the ones that are currently in demand, not stuff thats easily obtainable ,choosing this route may be well worth the effort.

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    TypetoneTypetone Posts: 1,622
    Try for a -5% commission. That means you get 5% of the buyer's fee while paying no commission. At a minimum, pay no commission. If you can't get it, do what TDN suggests, go through a national dealer like Legend or Pinnacle and see if they can do it for you.

    Also if Heritage won't do it, try one of the other auction companies like Bowers and Merena.

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    RKKayRKKay Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭
    Definitely don't pay a seller's fee. You should get hammer plus some.
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    Any colonials that you might want to part with??? Remember the board members!!!
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