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does this morgan cheek look unnatural to you

lavalava Posts: 3,286 ✭✭✭
I brake for ear bars.


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    I would not be a buyer of this coin. Appears to have been over dipped or maybe it just had a lot of heavy toning on it. Besides, if it was a problem free coin it would not be in an SEGS holder on EBAY. JMHO. image
    In an insane society, a sane person will appear to be insane.
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    wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭
    An excellent example of SEGS garbage. This coin has been whizzed in a blatant fashion and is nowhere near a PL or DMPL. Unbeliavable!

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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    That coin has had a thorough going over. A piece of garbage in my opinion, as most SEGS semi-key Morgans are.
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    stmanstman Posts: 11,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A so called 63 dmpl.... that doesn't hardly show a mark on it. HELLO!!!!
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    A lot of morgans way back when went through a sand blasting process to achieve a cameo affect. Is this one of them? Don't know would have to see it in person but they are still out there somewhere.

    The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
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    DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,974 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A 1902-S in DMPL is a TOUGH coin. Your first reaction to seeing this auction has to be, "Why isn't it in a real grading service's holder?" My bet is because:

    1. It isn't a DMPL
    2. It isn't a 63

    The seller himself is telling you it is not a 63DMPL by having a BIN price that is less than half of Grey Sheet. I repeat: Less than half.

    -- Dennis
    When in doubt, don't.
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    Considering PCGS has graded 1 1902-S DM (MS-62) this is rare indeed. But if that's a DMPL, that guy needs a new camera.
    That humanity at large will ever be able to dispense with artificial paradises seems unlikely. Most men and women lead lives at the worst so painful, and at the best so monotonous, poor, and limited, that the urge to escape, the longing to transcend themselves, if only for a few moments, is and always has been one of the principal appetites of the soul.

    Aldous Huxley

    Yabba dabba doo.

    Fred Flintstone

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    Maybe a "thumbing" job. I sure wouldn't call it DMPL....
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    GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
    Interesting. I agree it isn't a very "eye-appealing" coin and I concede SEGS isn't my favorite grading company, particularly in regards to the grades they assign, however, this is just FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES only as it pertains to the assessments of the 1902-S:

    "Very weakly struck is the norm for this issue with heavy planchet striations across the head, eagle and parts of the fields showing quite often. Full strikes are occasionally seen however. Luster is usually good.... Proof-likes are quite rare and have little contrast."

    With that said: I didn't see any striations, nor does it look like a full strike. No mention is made of the coin in DMPL, (not to say they don't exist), but a legitmate DMPL would probably garner good money.

    I think its an overgraded, overhyped average coin, that may have some surface issues, but I don't see evidence of whizzing.

    Morgan "DIES" were sandblasted for achieve the contrast, not the planchets/coins themselves, if you didn't know.
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Gilbert, are you saying that may be a problem free MS coin? It sure looks worked over to me, of course the image isn't good enough to tell exactly what, but it sure has the cleaned look to me. Doesn't look anything like my 02-S.
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    You are correct the mint DID sandblast the design area of the dies while the fields were protected BUT just as with the 1943 cents, some dollars were reprocessed to improve their appearance. The process was copied from the mint and fine grain sandblasting was used to give them a frosted appearance. The fine grain sandblasting can be easly overlooked with the unaided eye and a magnifier is required to detect it.

    The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
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    GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
    Talk to me Bill. image

    What's you source and can you provide an example of a Morgan dollar that meets this criteria?
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    No I cannot provide an example.

    My source June 10, 2003 Numismatic News, Coin Clinic by Alan Herbert page 38

    The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
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    GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the follow-up. I took a look at the Q&A and although it doesn't come across as clearly as it should, I do believe he is talking about "post mint" alterations.

    He states, "Apparently the process was copied from methods used at the Mint, where the design area of the DIE was sandblasted ..." He goes on to state that it is considered an alteration, eliminates colletor value and recommends against purchasing "frosted" coins without checking them for this, in addition to this being a response to a question about "coins being frosted after they were struck," we can all safely conclude that he is talking about:

    "altered coins"

    I apologize if you were simply stating you believed the coin to be artificially frosted. Maybe I misinterpreted your responses as though you believed this was a legitmate process.

    In any event, this FYI may serve as educational fodder or a refresher for others.

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    We are on the same page sorry if it did not come out that way. I was trying to state it could be an altered coin frosted after the minting process. image

    The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
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    lavalava Posts: 3,286 ✭✭✭
    For anyone interested in the attributes of the strike of this coin, compare the 02-s from SEGS (which started this thread) with this `02-s from NGC in this link.

    Link to NGC 1902-s in pl
    I brake for ear bars.
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    ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,762 ✭✭✭✭
    Although I do not collect Morgan Dollars (yet), I cannot see how anyone can call this DMPL.

    However, the thing you should be most concerned with is the fact that you, yourself, are hesitating with regards to buying this coin.

    Every coin that I am proud to own was a coin that I instantly knew I had to have. As for the dogs that I have (or once had) owned, in ever case I thought twice about buying, but did so against my better judgement.

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
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    NumisEdNumisEd Posts: 1,336
    DMPL??? As in Deep Mirror Poop-Like???

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