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RARE Double Error!!

WOW a rare Double Error this guy is trying to sell. NOT!!! This is a classic example of a manufactured rotated die coin, you can clearly see the seam in the first picture below the words HALF DOLLAR and the so called struck thru wire is just a scratch made by the person making the rotated die coin. Some people mistakingly think you look on the edge for the seam but it is always on the back close to the rim, there is actually a fairly large number of fake Kenndy Half rotated die coins (I had a guy send me a dozen about two months ago all different dates). I wonder if this guy is really that clueless or just trying to scam someone, he also paid the extra $5 to have his listing highlighted in color.



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    Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,875 ✭✭✭
    I saw that since I see every 1997 error sold on eBay and let me tell you what-any kind of JFK error is tough & a good thing to find and I bid strongly for them.
    But you won't see me bidding on a fake one with a staple scratch, which is exactly what that is.
    The seam looks just like the seam on the fake 2 headed quarters.
    The seller has a clip lot listed with a few fakes in it also.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.

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