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I'm going to my first Coin Club meeting today. What can I expect??

What can I expect to do at a Coin Club meeting? I've never belonged to a club, and do't know what goes on. Can anyone offer any insights?? Thanks, Matt


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    It's really hard to say what you can expect. Coin clubs differ in regard to their size. Some coin clubs may have a guest speaker each month who will specialize in a certain area of collecting. Other coin clubs are very small and just get together to talk about coins and have their business meeting. I think most coin clubs usually run a monthly coin raffle and sometimes a small auction. Snacks are usually in order also.
    I would suggest you go and try to meet as many fellow collectors as possible. It will certainly be a positive learning experience for you.
    Gotta love them Mercs
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    Hi Matt:

    I belong to two, each are small.

    I found:

    Each of the clubs big events are a coin show and Christmas Party (dinner). For each, they will expect you to contribute your time and effort. Each of my memberships was $3.00.

    The members are very nice, and none are too important with expensive coins.

    The members love to share their coins, and will bring sets or coins to the meetings to let other members view. It's like showing off with
    people who like the coins. If you have a particular interest, they will have all sorts of advice and will help as much as possible.

    At one, we let dealers, very small ones, set up at a table for an hour before the actual meeting. These are like what we call vest pocket dealers. Very relaxed and no pressure.

    The meetings have current news of ANA, or Coin World discussed, then a presentation on coins. The last we had was on ancient coins.

    Its a wonderful way to meet people.

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    Thanks for all the input guys. I'm off the the meeting ina bout an hour. I'll let you know how it turns out. Matt
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    wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭
    Expect to have alot of fun and don't be intimidated by those who try to impress you. You will find that the ones who are the most quiet are the ones who have the most knowledge.
    Also , be careful of dealer members who only come to shows to make money from unsuspecting new members.
    Most importantly, be your own man, collect what you enjoy, and have fun in this wonderful hobby.

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    MercMerc Posts: 1,646 ✭✭
    Wow, your club has Sunday meetings. Most have it Tues or Wednesday nights.

    My club is huge with 40 to 60 members attending every two weeks. 10 to 15 kids show up so we have a separate kids meeting for part of the meeting for them.

    Club dues vary from $5 to 20 a year. Mine has membership drawings for an educational prize ($20 for a book) and an uncirculated silver dollar every meeting. Plus, they buy books for the club's coin book library. Members can check out books at each meeting. We have over 250 books so it is quite a selection.

    Let us know how it went when you come back.
    Looking for a coin club in Maryland? Try:
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    jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,635 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Its hard to say, but let me share how are club meetings go.

    First, our coin club has been around since before my time and started around 1960. It currently has about 70 members, but usually only about 30-40 show up per meeting. We meet 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. The meeeting starts about 7:30 pm and lasts about 1 1/2 hours. Most people arrive about 7:00 and spend about 30 minutes sharing thoughts, new purchases, talking coins etc.

    Then the president of the club goes over old business, then any new business, then reads the treasury report. Once the official business part is finished, we sell door prize tickets at 4 for a dollar. This money is taken in and we give away about 10 things in the drawing each time. (prizes range form mint sets, to proof sets, commerative halves, etc) Nothing expensive.

    After that , everyone is welcome to put up items for auction. That rounds out the evening. Most of the items that are put up for auction in our club, range from about a dollar to 75.00 max. Expensive stuff does not sell there, so its a waste of time at our club to put it up. (I usually sometimes buy a cheap item or two to sell, for when I visit my plants in my region)

    I started going to this club when I was about 10(1980), I was a junior member for about 7years till I got to high school and got away from coins and sold my collection. I got back into coins about 1998 after settlin down, and started going to the meetings again. There were a lot of new faces, also more of an age balance. Earlier, most of the members were over 50, now there is a mix from younger memebrs, lots of 30's and 40's and of course several senior members. When I first started, the number of members used to be around 20 or so max. Shortly after rejoining in 1998, I took another job working for US dept of Housing and was out of town every week, so i was unable to make the meeting except for about 3 times per year. Now that I am with a different agency and regionaly local, I have been able to attend just about all the meetings and really enjoy them.

    Our club gives a christmas dinner each year and sponsors two local shows in the area. Memebrship is so cheap at 10.00, its almost ashame to say it.
    jim dimmick

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