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The Neutron President is Invincible

I bet you are thinking this is going to be one of those nasty, OT, political threads where we all call each other names and stuff. Nope. Well, at least probably it is not ging to be one of those. Ya just never know. image

Anyway, Mark's 'which coin do you like better' posts gave me an idea for a new, silly thing for the website...Yes, I ripped the idea, I admit it...Am I banned? image

It is called the Numismatic Idol Competition. Of course, since these are all my coins, you won't see any MS68 DPML Bust Dollars being compared. Do circ coins and just plain old weird numismatic stuff get enough attention? image

So far, The Neutron President has so far defeated a Barber Half and a Peace Dollar in previous weeks. I like it but I honestly thought it would bite it the first week. This week it is already leading the Seated Half.

Numismatic Idol Competition

Silly, you bet. But what do you expect from a flaoating buffalo head? image

Time sure flies when you don't know what you are doing...

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