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how long now?

collector's universe sent me a note that my coin is now in for grading. they gave me a customer number, an order number and a submission number. but when i went to check it on line, they wanted me to input an invoice number. since i submitted just one coin through the local dealer, i dont have an invoice number. so, how much longer do you reckon it will be before i can find out my grade and pick up my coin?
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  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    What service level? I think you have your number, its one of those they gave you (submission number?).

    Couple weeks for regular or moderns
    Couple months for economy
  • Welcome to the Forums CheckersFred!!image
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    It depends a lot on the service level you chose. If it is economy, it'll be labor day. If it is not economy, someone within a month or so. Since you submitted through a dealer, you can ask the dealer for the invoice number to check on it.
  • thanks for the guidance. this was economy service. i took the coin to the dealer on april 23rd, and he said it would go in the following week for sure.
    Here's to it and to it again.
    If you don't do it when you get to it,
    You'll never get to it to do it again.

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