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Availability of original F/XF Barber/Bust halfs

About a year and a half ago, I began to look for "original" barber halfs in F - XF condition. Coins that had not been cleaned or numismatically enhanced in any manner. Found some raw Barber halfs on Ebay that fit the bill -- exactly seven and returned dozens that were supposed to be "original". Do not want to calculate the return postage cost. Have all but given up hope of finding another raw Barber coin that is not compromised.

I also purchased VF/XF PCGS/NGC/ANACS coins. Many of these also had the telltale signs of cleaning. Probably more disappointed in these acquisitions than the raw purchases. I am stuck with quite a few as they were acquired at auction. I will never bid on another sight unseen coin again. Probably anyway.

This year I decide to chase Bust halfs in F - VF condition and have had better results. While I've returned a few, most have been satisfactory. Slabbed coins have been a pleasant surprise as the large majority have not been tampered with. Has anyone else had the same experiences with Bust halfs?


  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    Barber halves and quarters are extremely tough to find, consistently, in problem free vf (+or-) grades. Tougher than most collectors think. There are many more bust halves floating around out there, so most of those should be easier to find than their Barber counterparts.

    Ebay Stuff
  • I like the early draped bust halves and it sure is tough finding nice coins. Finding the grade you want is one thing ad then the cleaning issue is another. When I started buying slabbed coins, I was under the wrong impression that if it was slabbed it was not cleaned. After all everything I sent in for grading was returned in a body bag for cleaning. I did not realize that a lot of cleaned coins are in slabs. It is up to the grader I guess to slab or not, or to net grade them to some degree. It is a tricky business trying to find any of these 150-200 year old coins that have not been messed with.

  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    barber halves totally original in high end vf and especially so xf are rare coins

    bust halves that are totally original fine vf are rare

    sincerely michael
  • Dave99BDave99B Posts: 8,500 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’ve noticed much the same, although I have trouble finding original Bust material as well. Most Bust material in XF/AU has been "improved". Better date Barber halves in VF/XF are almost impossible to find. I’ve been working on a VF Barber quarter set for 16+ years. Two dates to go. I’ve spent a ton of $$$$ on return fees as well.

    Bottom line, if you’re picky, both the Barber quarter and half sets are killers. My advice: start young.

    Always looking for original, better date VF20-VF35 Barber quarters and halves, and a quality beer.
  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    "start young"

    Now, how many youngsters start collecting and jumpt right into bust and/or barber material? You don't know you should start young, or listen to that advice, until it's too late! image

    I actually started a barber dime set when I was a teen. Finished it off a couple of years ago, 20+ years later. I've been doing the Barbers as of late, but looking for Fine examples. Still tough to find, but available on occasion. image

    Ebay Stuff
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,024 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I admire your efforts looking for original Barbers in F to EF. That is a challenge and I would not rely on ebay, but the better approach is to attend coin shows or even work with a dealer and there are some that are good when it comes to originality. This may appear to be alittle more expense but remember the return postage issue...not to mention the frustration.

    You should consider going to a coin shows, taking one Barber half that you like to show dealers what it is that you expect in terms of originality and quality, and be patient because a complete collection will take years to complete. From your post, I think you would enjoy the hunt more if you viewed the coins in person before buying them.
    Good luck with your collection and don't give up on what you what to collect.

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

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