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Early Commemoratives: How much value does the original wood box or original folder of issue have?

BigEBigE Posts: 6,949 ✭✭✭
I found a Vermont with the original "County National Bank/Bennington, Vt" package, and also a Lexington with the wooden box. How much value plus the value of each coin? Thanks-------------BigEimage
I'm glad I am a Tree


  • HigashiyamaHigashiyama Posts: 2,203 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry I can't help with the values, but those are neat items. I have seen the Lexington box offered a few times, but I don't recall ever seeing the original Vermont packaging.
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    before the advent of slabs the original holders combined with the original coin that went with these holders meant much/added much to the value of early commems

    with the advent of slabs this has greatly lessoned for the most part as now most of the value is

    the technical qualities of the coin along with its overall look/eye appeal and qualities

    i am sure that there are still instances of original realted material if it is great one of a kind and unusual

    adding greatly to the value of specific commems for example as with the letter along with the first struck columbian exposition half

    but for the most part this has greatly diminished

    it is mostly now about the coin the way it looks of course ****its TONING!!!**** and the slab it is in

    sincerely michael

  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Original Lexington boxes sell for between $50 - $100 depending on the condition and authenticity. As far as other items, such as cardboard holders, they will bring what the market bears. I've seen original holders go as cheaply as $5 and others up into the four-figure range. This is one of those things where you happen across an eager buyer when it's offered.


  • I have never even seen original packaging for any Early Commemorative. I imagine that there are few collectors interested in these items now. That will probably change in the future when these commemoratives take off and become popular. I think a set of commemoratives in original packaging would be a very unique item if it were possibe to put together.
  • According to Anthony Swiatek in his "Commemerative Coins of the United States-Identification and Price Guide":

    Vermont holder may be valued at between $50 and $100...the Lexington box at $30 to $50.

    Guide was published in 1993.

    Edited for spelin'
    Go well.

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