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Currency Error: 2001 $1

DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
Sorry for posting this here, but there is no "attachment" section to post on the currency board. (???)

Does anyone know what an error note like this might be worth?





  • hughesm1hughesm1 Posts: 778 ✭✭
    Maybe $1.05, seeing as its no longer CU (if you can get someone to pay that.)
  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    I kinds like this one myself.
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Alright smart guys . . . are you telling me this bill should just be spent? No currency error collectors would be interested?
  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,489 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I like the error note you posted.

    I would add that to my collection.

    If it is for sale, please let me know a price for it and I will see if it is within my limits.


  • I think it has value. It isn't top pop, but it is neat and interesting! Please don't spend it.
  • Don't spend that bill! I don't know what it's worth either, but it is worth a premium. image
  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Alright, buttwads, here is the only bill I own that floats my boat . . . anyone want to play liar's poker?

  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭

    That note isn't an error. It was hand cut from a sheet sold to the public by the BEP. All serials beginning with '99' were from such sheets, so cutting "errors" aren't errors at all, but the craft of someone with a sharp exacto knife and a ruler.
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
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  • numobrinumobri Posts: 1,473 ✭✭✭

    NOW that ten is worth keeping.
  • foodudefoodude Posts: 3,575 ✭✭✭
    I don't know about the cutting problem or error with the $1, but I note (no pun intended) that one of the printings is off center. Notice that the E on the righthand side at the end of the serial number is printed over a portion of the design. Also notice that the the treasury seal is not centered with respect to the "ONE".
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  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    On the error not, it is not mis cut but rather the second printing is out of place. The back of the note is printed first and you can see from the scan that it is well centered so it was printed properly. The third printing, the seals on serial numbers, are actually in the proper place. The second printing, or first face printing, is offset too far to the left. It does have some value but I'm afraid I don't know how much.

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