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Photography Laws about using pictures (coin shows etc.)

I know this is'nt about coins, but with the ruckus that was raised by some dealers pictures being posted here the other day, I ran across this article about some laws and suggestions about if you use photo's taken in public or private places. Thought some migh like to know,(warning some partial nudity in some pictures). Click on download It's the law adobe file.image

Popular Photography article

Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!

....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!



  • And the answer to the question everyone wants to know is "it depends". There was no clear answer in the article as to the legal use of the picture taken at the show.

    My answer would be tied to the entrance fee. First assume the picture had no identifiable likenesses of the people and the picture was not used for commercial profit. Then consider the entrance fee. No fee to enter makes it a public place whereas charging an entrance fee makes the setting private. The restrictions on the use of the picture would be different in a public versus private setting.
    What ruckus? Did i miss something? I'm pretty security conscious (when was the last time you saw a recent picture of my face?) but let's not get paranoid.

    If you go to a show and someone sees you, can you prevent them from remembering it?

    it seems that eveyone seeing a picture of what many have already seen would seem like no big deal.

    But, hey, maybe this is an issue for one of the real lawyers.


  • njcoincranknjcoincrank Posts: 1,066 ✭✭
    I just returned from speaking at the grading seminar given in conjuction with the GSNA show this weekend. As I sat down an officer of the GSNA ran up and took my picture. I politely told him "NO". I don't think anyone has the right to invade my private space and photograph me. Let alone the security risk. YES, I AM THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR STARTING UP THIS DEBATE!

    Course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.


    ps I am not opposed to people having their picture taken (and posssibly published) if it is done with their approval. A little common sense goes a long way with me.
  • Sorry I probably could have worded it differently, and yes it can go both ways but I thought it brought up some good questions and things to check for and yes the laws are different in every state.image

    Link for Anaconda

    Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!

    ....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!

  • Man I don't know which one scared me more, having that judge's face pop up real quick as I was staring at the screen, or seeing the man butts.
  • coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,484 ✭✭✭
    Regardless of whatever laws might (or might not) apply and whether some question if there is a security risk involved, why not respect the privacy of those who prefer it?

    I personally knew at least two coin dealers who were murdered (for their coins). And, I know of others who suffered the same fate. Please be respectful of dealers or collectors who have security concerns, whether you think their fears are well founded or not.

    I will post this to the other thread(s) on this subject.

  • security risk involved....You deal in and carry around tens, maybe tens of thousands worth of merchandise and you are worried about someone taking your picture!!!!! Someone ought to get a life and a new job!!!..............Ken

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