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Opinions on these Walkers, please...

What do you think about the toning on these Walkers. Is it possible that they all have the same toning or is this just the lghting in the picture. They look really nice but I'm suspicious. Any helpful comments appreciated.



Edited to split links - Hmmm...sounds like weiners on the grill....

Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!


  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    I think it's lighting and angle, and perhaps some editing. The coins are probably white.

    Russ, NCNE
  • Hey, If you are a MENSA can't you figu... Nevermind. It could be they were photographed in the same settings. image
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Hmm, I'm not sure. But the 44d and 46d are in PCGS holders, it appears, which reduces your risk. Can't tell you much since the pictures are so small. But they have potential to be nice coins.
  • CoppernicusCoppernicus Posts: 1,764
    jonesy - Please note that it's mensa0 (as in mensa NAUGHT, as in naught plus naught is naught, carry the naught....Jethro Bodine a cipherin'...)

    I think you and Russ are right on the pics - Thanks!

    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Hmm, I would have thought 0mensa then. image I guess I'm 4mrmensa.
  • CoppernicusCoppernicus Posts: 1,764
    Well we have the argonauts, astronauts, cosmonauts, and mensanaughts!!! image

    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • foodudefoodude Posts: 3,575 ✭✭✭
    I agree with the above, it is most likely the lighting. I clicked onto the seller's e-bay store and looked at a 53-S Franklin, and guess what, it looked like the three Walkers as far as the color goes. If you are really interested in the coin, I would suggest sending them an e-mail with your question.

    When I sell coins on e-bay I occasionally get questions, and am happey to answer them. I also, and I wish more sellers would, describe any differecnes between the coin and the picture. I have even sent additional pictures so that the buyer has a better idea of what the coin actually looks like.
    Greg Allen Coins, LLC Show Schedule: https://forums.collectors.com/discussion/573044/our-show-schedule-updated-10-2-16 Authorized dealer for NGC, PCGS, CAC, and QA. Member of PNG, RTT (Founding Platinum Member), FUN, MSNS, and NCBA (formerly ICTA); Life Member of ANA and CSNS. NCBA Board member. "GA3" on CCE.

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