There is a lesson to be learned here.

This is the coin that I bid on, on ebay, for my husband for father's day.

This is the "actual coin" I received in the mail!

Welcome to ebay!
This is the "actual coin" I received in the mail!

Welcome to ebay!

oohhhhh shiny!
Russ, NCNE
Welcome! You will learn a lot from the experts ( not me ) here.
Sorry about the coin.
<< <i>This is the coin that I bid on, on ebay, for my husband for father's day.
This is the "actual coin" I received in the mail!
Welcome to ebay!
.....................hi, and welcome ........
Enjoy the day.........
I love Morgans and I've always wanted to be able to carry one around in my pocket as sort of a "lucky coin." Now I've got one I can do that with.
As far as the auction goes, my wife only paid 13 bucks for it, so it's not the end of the world. She contacted the seller and was told that the seller knew nothing about coins and that she wouldn't take it back. She even claimed she didn't notice the scratches! She advised us to turn around and try to resell it on Ebay to reoup some of our losses. We're avoiding giving her a neg. because we don't want her to get pissed and retaliate.
Big Mike <><
Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all that he has done. --Colossians 2:7
... just can't see any of the "X" marks in the picture the seller posted....I'm sorry, but take another look at the picture. I'm in no way defending the seller, but a little more scrutiny when dealing on e-bay is advised....Ken
<< <i>She advised us to turn around and try to resell it on Ebay to reoup some of our losses. >>
That alone tells us just what kind of person you dealt with.
Russ, NCNE
Sorry for the worry on your father's day purchase, truly. I've been through a very similar thing.
Welcome to the forums! There are lots of people here who are absolutely fantastic, collectors, dealers, dabblers, and all-around smart people.
(The pod grows some more, again
to hide obvious blemishes. Very good job. I,m happy for this seller to have succeeded in mastering the art of deception
so well.`A++++++++ `
If she negs you, it will be clear from your response to her neg that it was retaliatory, as well as the link to the coin, which should also demonstrate how crummy a seller she is.
PLEASE. Post a link to the ebay auction.
With a little bit of is the link you have all requested.Linky-Link
Welcome to the boards!!
I see you negged the seller!! His/her first!! Well done - a no return policy seller should be avoided.
Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
Are you ok with my sending this to the seller? I am asking for your permission in advance, rather than doing it on my own. I do not want to chance causing you negative feedback unless you give me the ok.:
Dear seller,
Perhaps you wont care about this, but, just in case:
I and others have been in touch with the buyer of your 1890-O silver dollar. We have seen the images you included in your listing, as well as other images that show the large and unsightly obverse scratches.
Whether or not you intentionally displayed your coin so as to partially hide the scratches,y our images were not accurate and you had a dissatisfied buyer.
Perhaps you were well within your rights to refuse a return of the coin. However, whatever time, trouble and few dollars you might have saved yourself, have been more than offset by all of the negative publicity you have received for the way you handled this transaction.
It is my hope that you will treat others more fairly and honorably in the future.
We really appreciate everything you've said and done. At this point we've written the seller and tried to resolve the situation. Only then did we reluctantly give negative feedback. At this point we would rather just let it drop. Luckily we're only out 13 bucks. We believe everything happens for a reason... now we have a $13 dollar reminder to be more careful on Ebay.
Thanks Again Everybody,
bigindie & tinyone
Big Mike <><
Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all that he has done. --Colossians 2:7
<< <i>What if you left a pos feedback that read:`Excellent job from this seller.The pics were remarkably doctored
to hide obvious blemishes. Very good job. I,m happy for this seller to have succeeded in mastering the art of deception
so well.`A++++++++ `
...........cam40..........thats the best one yet!..........iam going to write that down......great!
I try to avoid seller whom do not have a return policy in their ads, and I do not bid with sellers whom will not sell to buyers with less than (some number--usually 10) positive feedbacks. I used to by raw coins, and will now buy mostly certified (I do buy an occational raw if I know the seller). After I found myself sending a few coins back because of issues, I started with the certified (mostly but almost only).
Becarefull alot of the ebay coins are coins that need to sell sight unseen!
We all need a lesson now and then. Chalk it up to education and move on--It is not worth worrying about.
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
<< <i>We all need a lesson now and then. >>
Yep, mine was a harshly cleaned Bust half that looked very good in the auction.
Russ, NCNE
On behalf of the decent coin sellers on the planet, i'd be glad to send you $13 if you would PM me your address.
Welcome to the forums.
I very much like the nearly $4 postage and insurance to ship a $13 coin. Isn't there a cheaper way? Did the seller spend the full $4 to ship the coin?
I certainly wouldn't come to the defense of that seller.
Having said that i am sure to run the risk of appearing to do so by saying
that charging any fixed amount for shipping is frequently going to look like the seller is over charging for shipping.
It's not easy to acurately predict the actual cost of shipping the item (when listing the item), and it seems that it would be reasonable
assume that the charge for shipping includes things incidental to shipping like packing materials, travel to and from the PO, etc.
(I never charge for shipping a coin for that very looks all too often to some buyers like your intentionally gouging them......
i've read too many negatives....."that jerk charged me 2.25 for shipping and it only cost him 2.15....AVOID HIM - DEATH TO THE SELLER!")
As for the buyer...well for $13 you learned a very very important lesson. Don't buy raw unless you see it and you know what you are doing. I wish my mistakes were that cheap!
<< <i> Please do not use paypal more than once if you win more than one auction.. >>
FEE AVOIDANCE TOO.. find a tree.. i've got a big rope
welcome to the forum by the way
--------T O M---------
1992 advertised as MS63 Returned to seller because of altered surfaces. Recieved promp refund.
1898 advertised as BU Coin was ATed to cover up surface stripping from dipping. Not worth the
bother of returning.
1883O advertised as BU This coin was indeed a BU toned keeper as advertised.
Moral of my experience: Your rolling the dice when you purchase raw coins on eBay. For myself, there are only 2 sellers I would purchase from.
tinyone- Welcome to the board and if anything, this will be an inexpensive lesson. Never, ever buy a raw coin on eBay without a rock solid return policy. Usually, there are no returns for a reason and this is a prime example.
Bummer of an experience, but I am glad that you stood up and neg'd the twit seller. Any seller who would do that with the picture deserves to get a neg.
Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'