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Can coin dealers read minds?

No they can't but they {some} can tell who you are doing business with and which websites you visit.

I just installed some privacy software to block annoying pop ups, stop hackers, etc. It is amazing the stuff I found out.

For example, Bowers and Merena website has an embedded "web bug". See definition below:

An image file, often 1x1 pixel, designed to monitor visits to the page (or HTML e-mail) containing it. Web bugs are used to find out what advertisements and Web pages you have viewed.

My first reaction was none of their business and where is the disclosure?

Many dealers are not trusted by customers and now they use spyware to tell them what we are doing? I am totally dumbfounded.

I suggest everyone buy/use privacy software, not only to prevent hacking but protect your privacy against intrusive website owners.


  • I just installed a program to get rid of spyware and other types of hidden programs and web sending info. I had these annoying ad bars installed in my browser and their was no uninstall program I could find and every time I would visit a new web page a new ad window would pop up. I saw this program on TechTv and installed it and it removed a bunch of cr*p I did'nt know was on my computer. It's called Spybot Search and Destroy and it's freeware but would like donations if you like it. Here's web site if anyone needs something like this.

    Spybot S&D

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    "An image file, often 1x1 pixel, designed to monitor visits to the page (or HTML e-mail) containing it. Web bugs are used to find out what
    advertisements and Web pages you have viewed."

    This only gives them raw data concerning what people are looking at, not who is doing the looking.
  • This only gives them raw data concerning what people are looking at, not who is doing the looking

    Adrian, this is not entirely true. Depending on the sophistication they can and do collect IP address.

    What many fail to realize is all and I do mean ALL of one's activities are collected and stored. It is a simple process to match IP address with info where you have given out your real name/address [ebay for example]. A hypothetical, eBay goes out and buy all this stored data for let's say automobile sites and crosses it with their data which had IP and real info. Bada bing bada boom! They know who you are!

    Did you know there are several firms which collects all message posts to newsgroups and well as popular message boards ] i wonder if CU is on there?]? What I find distressing is WHAT will this information be used for? When I am up for attorney general will they search and find a post where I used the "f" word? WIll that ruin my campaign? For course I am joking but I never underestimate corporate America or government to find a way to keep better tabs on the American populace, all in the name of "security" or trying to sell more junk to us.

    BTW, I am no expert in all this but a little reading turned up the above. If more people were aware they could/would put a stop to it.
  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    And what's a pain in the butt is that a lot of websites won't work if you run that software.
    I spend more adjusting my firewall privacy settings than I do surfing the web.
    On this site you can't do PM, links or upload pictures unless you disable your popup blocker.
    On NGC's site you can't post a message unless you turn the cookies blocker off. They have web bugs too.
    ½ the features on eBay won't work. Oh yeah, when you acepted eBay's agreement you also agreed to accept their tracking cookie.
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  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    Busty Babes LOL. Bust..You want Bust We Have Bust.Here Heres Bust.Busty is better and goes with Babes ofcourse,

    NGC has the tracking bug? and Ebay? What about this site.

  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Yep, CU uses webtrendslive as a spyware cookie and image as a means of tracking you through their site. I've had it blocked out for a long time now. These things are more common than people realize, and are easier to implement than people realize.

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