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I bought this 1984 $10 Gold Olympic US coin today (Large Pics)

My scanner picks up a lot of dust here in Colorado and any flaw you may see is just that. This coin is absolutely perfect. There are no scuffs, scratches, spots, nicks, or any distractions at all. The fields are fluid and without pits. I will be submitting it to PCGS on Monday. Any bets as to what it will grade?


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  • ERER Posts: 7,345
    PR69 DCAM, just because there is no such a thing as pecfection.
  • ER, I agree with you, there really isn't such a thing as a perfect coin. That being said, there is a PR70 designation and I see no reason for this coin not to make it. Unless there is something in the strike I am not aware of I am betting it makes PR70DCAM. I've handled hundreds of PCGS PR69DCAM coins and this one is by far superior. I just hope the grader isn't having a bad day.

    Thanks for your response

    My web site www.DenverCoin.com
    My eBay About Me page DenverCoin on eBay

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