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Telling the truth on Mother's day

It's Mother's day.

So, you're leaving soon to go to Kroger's or Walmart to get her some stuff.

You will get caught on the way out by your wife. That unspoken "thing" of course is "when do i get my stuff honoring that fact that I am a

Practice your reply. Don't just stand there and mumble.

You must tell the truth. Tell her that you take Mother's day very seriously and that you, in your mind, have finally after much thought,
chosen between one of two options (which of course must remain a surprise) and that your delay in purchasing the honorary gifts
is evidence that you do in fact take mother's day very, very seriously.

Because, if you didn't take it seriously, you would have a box (an inventory) of cards and gifts which you would simply make a selection from.

How does this relate to coins? You must be joking me. If your wife isn't convinced that you love her more than life itself, you will be
destined to obtaining your collection from pocket change.

Remember, if momma's not happy, nobody's happy.



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