Don't accidentally screw up your computer

I am so damned mad I can hardly see straight. I got an email from a friend. A ...good...friend who would NEVER send anything remotely bad to anyone.
He was warning me that his computer had contracted a virus that was new and able to bypass Norton and McAfee and included complete instructions on how to check for and eliminate the problem.
THE WARNING ADVISES ....IMMEDIATE....ACTION! And instructs you on how to advise everyone you have sent emails to about how you have unwittingly infected them.........and WHEN THEY CHECK, they will find the little TEDDY BEAR and take it out as I did !
It is a HOAX !
It's too late for me as I already deleted the "infected" file. Well, the file is an integral part of the system.
Fortunately...... VERY .......fortunately, the file is only used by web developers working in Java or something, but it still pisses me off that I have now removed a file that will make it impossible to USE for that remote purpose.......unless........I..........reinstall.........Windows.
It is not a necessary file for almost all computer users.
DAMN....I am mad.
It is a very probable looking thing. Microsoft in its infinite wisdom even includes a stupid......TEDDY BEAR....icon with this file so it really does LOOK malicious.
After following the instructions in the email, I looked in my computer (via the very complete instructions on how to remove it) and sure enough, there it was.
I removed it and was about to send the warning to everyone in my address book as instructed in the email. This computer stuff is maddening.
I don't know what made me think to do it but I called my ISP (who maintains an alert system with their clients) and told them what I had done so they could issue a blanket warning. THEN they told me about the HOAX.
BUT.....they also told me how to check out these hoaxes.
Go to:
There is a button named: SECURITY RESPONSE
Click it.
You will see a link called: Expanded Threat List and Virus Encyclopedia
Click THAT and check the EXACT name of the virus you are being warned about. IF it's a HOAX, it tells you. Then you will not do as I did and destroy part of your computer.
If you have not yet got an email from a friend warning you about a virus, you WILL at some time.
THAT's when you are going to want to refer to .....THIS
If I can keep ONE of you from screwing up like I did, it will be worth it.
I advise copying and saving this little message for WHEN you get the same thing.
Off topic but in my opinion something I would hate to see happen to any of you.
He was warning me that his computer had contracted a virus that was new and able to bypass Norton and McAfee and included complete instructions on how to check for and eliminate the problem.
THE WARNING ADVISES ....IMMEDIATE....ACTION! And instructs you on how to advise everyone you have sent emails to about how you have unwittingly infected them.........and WHEN THEY CHECK, they will find the little TEDDY BEAR and take it out as I did !
It is a HOAX !
It's too late for me as I already deleted the "infected" file. Well, the file is an integral part of the system.
Fortunately...... VERY .......fortunately, the file is only used by web developers working in Java or something, but it still pisses me off that I have now removed a file that will make it impossible to USE for that remote purpose.......unless........I..........reinstall.........Windows.
It is not a necessary file for almost all computer users.
DAMN....I am mad.
It is a very probable looking thing. Microsoft in its infinite wisdom even includes a stupid......TEDDY BEAR....icon with this file so it really does LOOK malicious.
After following the instructions in the email, I looked in my computer (via the very complete instructions on how to remove it) and sure enough, there it was.
I removed it and was about to send the warning to everyone in my address book as instructed in the email. This computer stuff is maddening.
I don't know what made me think to do it but I called my ISP (who maintains an alert system with their clients) and told them what I had done so they could issue a blanket warning. THEN they told me about the HOAX.
BUT.....they also told me how to check out these hoaxes.
Go to:
There is a button named: SECURITY RESPONSE
Click it.
You will see a link called: Expanded Threat List and Virus Encyclopedia
Click THAT and check the EXACT name of the virus you are being warned about. IF it's a HOAX, it tells you. Then you will not do as I did and destroy part of your computer.
If you have not yet got an email from a friend warning you about a virus, you WILL at some time.
THAT's when you are going to want to refer to .....THIS
If I can keep ONE of you from screwing up like I did, it will be worth it.
I advise copying and saving this little message for WHEN you get the same thing.
Off topic but in my opinion something I would hate to see happen to any of you.
Well it seems their little virus has deleted some important legitimate files of many users and now are facing lawsuits. Hmm, what were they thinking?!!
Millions on WELFARE depend on you!
Just go to your recycle bin, highlight the file and click restore and put it back.
Or click start/run/msconfig and do a system restore to the day before you deleted the file.
No need to reinstall windows.
This is a Win98 system that was NEVER on the Internet, in its 3-4 years of existence. It came preloaded with McAfee. We had to update IE to V6 for an application we were installing. So, the computer made it's first foray into cyberspace. As it was downloading megabytes of service patches, etc. from Microsoft, the virus struck. Got infected with Opavirus worm - benign as far as destructiveness, but it kept coming back after removal. Every time we connected to the Internet, the virus reappeared about every 5 minutes, though now it was instantly deleted as the virus definitions were up to date. After about 10 days of lots of reading about the worm, cleaning/scanning the system umpteen times, unbinding file/print sharing from TCP/IP (and running the network on Netbeui), sharing individual directories, rather than the C: drive, on the network, we finally got rid of it for good. I'm now a firm believer in the death penalty for virus authors
Edited to note, you do have to create a free account.
McAfee Freescan
Free one from Norton. Norton Virus Check
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
Actually I think it must be hereditary. I...................had..............a 2nd cousin who had nerve damage to his foot and it was always cold. One day he put it in the oven and COOKED it.
Until today, I thought it was funny. Real story.
No wonder I am into coins.
you can up load dll at this site
to you. Just copy & paste it back the same spot you removed the old one from.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
The Snopes site is fun to surf around on.
Kinda like trying to drive a car at night with no arms n legs and also blind.
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Software availability.
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
I work removing these things 24/7 and have pasted virus's directly into certain "Popular" scanners - NNNNNNNNNNNNN FAILED not only to detect it's presence on the pc, not seeing it when it is pegged to the scanner program is a little weak... NNNNNNNNNNNNN has missed the most Mc = nearly safe.
<< <i> Software availability.
Aside from many video games and customized business software, what's all this software that is available for pc's but not for Macs?
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