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What Do Find The Most Exciting?

foodudefoodude Posts: 3,575 ✭✭✭
Limiting your choices to the following three, what excites you the most, and why (the why is always the most interesting part)?
(1) Selling coins (be you a collector or dealer)
(2) Buying coins (be you a collector or dealer)
(3) Slabbing raw coins/ resubmitting coins for upgrades, designations, etc./crossing coins over
Greg Allen Coins, LLC Show Schedule: https://forums.collectors.com/discussion/573044/our-show-schedule-updated-10-2-16 Authorized dealer for NGC, PCGS, CAC, and QA. Member of PNG, RTT (Founding Platinum Member), FUN, MSNS, and NCBA (formerly ICTA); Life Member of ANA and CSNS. NCBA Board member. "GA3" on CCE.


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