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anyone have any thoughts on standing liberty

Quarters. i have been collecting these for a while in vf-au and i noticed that they are starting to move up in price it seems by the month.anyone think this series has been neglected for a long time and that now is the time to buy for the long haul or is this one of those series that will price explode and then fizzle fast. any thoughts at all apreciated.


  • mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭
    I think type sets are a part of the reason, also many probably are just realizing what a lovely coin it is.
    National Register Of Big Trees

    We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
  • ERER Posts: 7,345
    Ignore the hype. Collect for pure enjoyment, if you are a COLLECTOR.
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    i love em. i just wish MS examples weren't so darn expensive.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,701 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is a very popular set among returning collectors, especially the circs.
    They should do fairly well until the next shakeout and then it will depend
    on how the newbies embrace them. Look for at least a few years of good
    growth. They are attractive coins and have a lot going for them. Most were
    destroyed through the loss of their date in circulation so even common dates
    are desirable.

    Earlier quarters also make a logical stepping stone for states quarter collectors.

    2nd paragraph added.
    Tempus fugit.
  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    I think part of it is the Greysheet making a proper, long overdue, adjustment. These coins have been selling, in mint state anyway, for over bid for quite some time (wholesale).
    Similar situation with proof indian head cents. Dealers will scoop 'em up (the ones I talk to anyway) at bid levels right now, if they don't have any problems, ie: spots etc.

    Ebay Stuff
  • merz2merz2 Posts: 2,474
    I have only one SLQ,a1928 AU58 FH.It is PCGS graded.I got it because it was my mom's birth year.I have noticed using Heritage's archive values,that it has gone up in value since I bought it.
    Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
  • jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,729 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree with big d on this one. The prices for SLQ in higher circulated and MS have been selling for stronger prices than sheet levels for some time, especially for the nicer ones. I think the sheets are starting to adjust to the true pricing levels based on recent trades.

    I expect to continue to see strong pricing advances especially on certain dates.

    16 of course(the demand for this date is intense when a nice example comes available) there are some dogs, even slabbed,so be selectful and willing to pay the strong money for the right coin.

    19-s with full or nearly full heads are still undervalued compared to sheet levels (Au grades and up)
    19-d is another tough and underrated date.

    1921 in lower to mid circualted grades are going to go up considerably in upcoming year(MY Opionion) these are very tuff and underrated.

    I think the 27-s in XF and lower end AU's are currently priced strong, with little movement upward expected. A lot of people will probably disagree with me on this one, but I have seen typical average strike XF, and AU's struggle to bring even ask levels.
    On the other hand ,really PQ upper end AU's and higher are another story, these get truly rare especially with full to near full head details with solid strikes.

    The other dates, I am not that familar with and current on !
  • Yeah, I got a thought. I wish I could afford a MS set with FH. imageimage
  • jcpingjcping Posts: 2,649 ✭✭✭
    Many many nice eye appealing standing liberty quarters disappeared from the market in the last 10 years. The entry point to collect the series is higher than some other series, e.g., Walkers, Mercs. The most common date Full Head MS63 is over $200.

    Also, some of the coins are dark and thus look ugly. Any eye appealing SLQ is selling above grey sheet ask level. Take a look the ebay results. For tough date (19D, 19S, 23S) MS65 flat head with good looking, dealers are asking 50% over ask and they are selling.... The problem is that even go to Long Beach show, you hardly find one or two nice looking 19S MS63 or higher coins, and J. Cline is there also.

    Usually, the way to grade SLQ is also an art since some of the date/mint is typically weak struck. Unless you know the series very well, you should stick with PCGS SLQs. The NGC coins are usually 1 to 1.5 points higher in grade. Most nice NGC/ANACS/PCI SLQs are crossed-over to PCGS holders. Nevertheless, I saw many SLQ dogs in PCGS holders and they are circulated among auction houses forever.

    If you would like to buy any Full Head coin, make sure you know what the Full Head is. If you are so tough about Full Head definition, some dates, such as 16, 24S, 27S, almost do not exist. There are too many 90% Head coins that are in Full Head holder and dealers are asking Premium to sell them. When the time to re-sell them, sure to take a loss.

    Just my 2c worth after viewing more than 3000+ mint state SLQs.
    an SLQ and Ike dollars lover

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