Lets Talk Sex !

As in sexy coins ! This just jumped into my head. In the past I have had a couple of large major dealers describe a coin, both times, they were high end gold coins, as SEXY. What does this mean ?
Can a coin be sexy?
Can a coin be sexy?
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
Its scary, I swear I have a few customers who think coins are SEXIER than their wives.....I suspect those guys drink jewel lustre.
JUST SAY NO TO WANNABES! They lurk and prey on unwitting collectors in chatrooms!
Bet one of these is on a porn site somewhere......
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
Now, THAT is a sexy coin!
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>spend the rest of your life with >>
is sexy?
Maybe a sexy coin is something you can have that the other guy can't? Kinda like Boiler78s Morgan?
I hate it when you see my post before I can edit the spelling.
Always looking for nice type coins
my local dealer
So How much did they have to pay you to take that coin Russ?
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
<< <i>I have gotten the lope out to check out the breast on a XF 1917 type 1 SLQ >>
Wow you guys are sad
<< <i>The gentle curve of a woman's thigh is sexy. The velvet softness of her skin. The pout of her lips as they approach your own. The sparkle in her eyes and the smile on her loving face that are meant only for you. These things are sexy. Coins? Nope! Well...maybe ANACONDA's. >>
Only when they are held by Stephanie!
Now if the mint was smart, they'd put HER on a new coin!
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
<< <i>25 responses in 30 minutes. >>
uhmm..........SEX SELLS!
They would never make a coin that big!!
And i did get it from Anaconda, after all.......the king of "sexy" coins!
Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!
They have a word for men who pay for the companionship of the opposite sex....................HUSBANDS!
<< <i>I've lusted after coins....and spent more on them than on most women......sounds sexy to me!
Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!
JUST SAY NO TO WANNABES! They lurk and prey on unwitting collectors in chatrooms!
I am already considered a nerd for even talking about coins at my work, but if I ever called them sexy I would be run out into the middle of the road and given a wedgie and then have my head stuck in a toilet by a mad mob bent on persecuting a true nerd and square!
This post will self destruct five minutes after I post it to protect my loved ones and friends from seeing I ever wrote it!
series I just revell in the intrecate design and folds of the gowns. The female form as a representative
symbol for liberty is a perfect and soul satisfying visual treat. On a proof, the folds of the material
provide for a remarkable three dementional effect that can be staggering. I am only sorry that the
mint never sae fit to make the Stnd Liberty quarter as a bonifide Proof rather then the few quasay
examples produced. I think the coin would have been magnificent.
There are certainly numerous parallels.
<< <i>When coins become "sexy" a person needs to drop all coins, books, loupes and anything related to coins and go get a burger, drink a beer / ice tea >>
But, ARCO, I think your avatar is sexy (in a manly sort of way
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>men spouting such misogynistic blather. >>
Is that a fancy way of saying joking around?
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>Sorry if anyone took offense. >>
I wasn't offended, I was just trying to avoid the need to pull out the dictionary.
Russ, NCNE
The real feeling is something close to the feeling that you get the first time you walk into a strange girls bedroom, or a first kiss. The desire for sex is what brings you into the room, but the feeling you experience is unbridled excitement combined with avarice, happiness and fulfillment in anticipation of what is going to happen next. So, next time you see a coin that instills those emotions all at once and you cant find a word to describe what you're feeling, look at the dealer and call it sexy. You'll be right on the mark.
Seeing a beautiful coin, in my opinion, can be akin to seeing a beautiful woman. They both appeal to one of our basest human desires, the desire to be look at beauty and to be surrounded by it.
That, IMHO, is what saying a coin is "sexy" means. One piece of advice though, dont overuse the word. Only 1 coin in a thousand is "sexy".
John "the love doctor" Marburger
No, honey i was just kidding, honost i was only looking at the coin she was holding, ouch, stop it, honost , ouch.
Big E...that's an all time classic comment! MS 70 all the way