Ditto all the above. I concentrate on one series and it's fun to hear about and see other series - have learned alot.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose.
Understanding that this forum has the ability to connect collectors for the purpose of sharing knowledge among those that seek it as well as shape and improve this hobby in a positive manner for future collectors.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
watching people get really worked up over silly little things......i also love to watch two people have a good fight.
Calling names and just being mean doesn't count. I like subtle attacks and a display of smarts especially an really good fight of matched high wits when someone goes away after finally just giving up.
(You know......................the winner is the last guy who posts last.)
It is also very entertaining to watch people who think they know what they're doing when they don't . Like watching a fat girl run.
I think my favorite threads, though, are when Laura attacks PCGS and or David Hall.
That is hard to beat.
Like two behemoths circling each other......I'm on the edge of my seat just envisioning it.
It could go either way,....."Wow, someone has just been thrown out of the ring onto the announcer's table and the refs are letting it spill into the audience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I like the fact that no one argues and flames one another, and that no one picks on dealers or ebay sellers. Also that people don't expect no hazing on unopened proof sets. Yawwwnnnnn!!! Waking up now, just had a terrible dream, just glad to be here with all of the nice commrades. dah sveedahnyah!
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
I like how the range of knowledge of so broad. Experts in moderns, classics, copper, silver, gold, etc. I learn more here than Coin World that's for sure!
Sure there are little tiffs but doesn't any organization or family have them?
Finally, I have other coin geeks to talk to about coins. Most of the geeks here also happen to know a lot about the hobby as well. Sharing information and perspectives on numismatics makes these forums a lot of fun.
A constant changing mural of information of the coin collecting universe . Questions and answers on collecting , investing , bashing of whomever or whatever topic , good buys , bad slab companies , social bantering , grading , dealers , shops , show problems , trends , reputable , scoundrel , etc ......
Free advice and expertise from collectors who have been in the game longer than me.
Just My 2 Cents, Big Mike <><
Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all that he has done. --Colossians 2:7
My answer would be one word - "sharing" - of all types - knowledge, information, warnings, fears, questions, good and bad experiences, fun, personalities, opinions, lessons, and MUCH more. Keep up the great contributions.
Cecil Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!! 'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
Tales 'n Trolls of Carl's (Clankeye) Coinalot .... nothing comes close or beats those memorable tales.
Selfless dealers (like the author of this thread!) and serious collectors who take the time to post and contribute to a vast array of issues concerning this great hobby.
For me, it would be some of the spectacular coins that members post pics of here, especially some of the incredibly nice toned pieces........as well as the sharing of information.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
Millions on WELFARE depend on you!
sincerely michael
And all the other stuff people have said above
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
"The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD GOD Almighty."
watching people get really worked up over silly little things......i also love to watch two people have a good fight.
Calling names and just being mean doesn't count. I like subtle attacks and a display of smarts especially an really good fight of matched
high wits when someone goes away after finally just giving up.
(You know......................the winner is the last guy who posts last.)
It is also very entertaining to watch people who think they know what they're doing when they don't . Like watching a fat girl run.
That is hard to beat.
Like two behemoths circling each other......I'm on the edge of my seat just envisioning it.
It could go either way,....."Wow, someone has just been thrown out of the ring onto the announcer's table and the refs are letting it spill into the audience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
That is very, very cool.
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
"The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD GOD Almighty."
When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.
Thomas Paine
Sure there are little tiffs but doesn't any organization or family have them?
Big Mike <><
Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all that he has done. --Colossians 2:7
My answer would be one word - "sharing" - of all types - knowledge, information, warnings, fears, questions, good and bad experiences, fun, personalities, opinions, lessons, and MUCH more. Keep up the great contributions.
Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
Selfless dealers (like the author of this thread!) and serious collectors who take the time to post and contribute to a vast array of issues concerning this great hobby.
my wife just doesn't understand, but you guys do!
( i just tell her, hey, would you rather I click back to the porn
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry