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Getting submissions timely!!!!

So, what is wrong with the “first come, first served” way of doing business? This is how most businesses operate.
How many businesses shut down temporarily to go elsewhere to take on new business when the business back at the “shop” is not done on a timely basis?
Kind of like the grocery store where the guy with 50 items in his cart has to wait in long lines while the person with a carton of milk gets to go through the expedited line. Now, who do you think is generating the most profit?
Most businesses do what ever they can to get their work load down to current levels before taking on new business. You can only throw a screwing to your customers so many times before they move on to a different businessperson to get their work done!
These are only some thoughts that came to mind. Lets hear other opinions! I will not respond any further on this thread, and, I would like everyone else to do the same so we can hear different opinions without people becoming involved in arguments. Lets keep this thread clean.....Thanks, Ken


  • What is "Timely"? I guess if one is anxious to receive a submission because he / she believe prices will change dramatically and they will lose a sale, then time is of the essence.

    If you are a long term collector and plan on keeping your coins for a long time....then there is really no hurry in receiving your submissions. Fro a business standpoint, graders and slabbers know the value of quick turnaround.

    I would rather have impartial, accurate, (No thumbprints Russ), than a thoughtless factory like "Put it in plastic and ship it" attitude.

    Now, we all know that grading is an art and artists are in short supply. The Grading companies have to make money and keep people happy. I'd say they want to get submission times down also.

  • Ken, I see it as PCGS gets a $100 per sub at shows to our measly $12-$16 or more per sub, so it's probably a matter of money. How many graders are usually at shows?

    Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!

    ....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!


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