What is "tooling."

Is "tooling", as used by ANACS merely use of a cleaning tool or does it mean some type of repair to the coin? Anyone here have any ANACS coins described as "tooled" and if so what happened to the coin to deserve that designation? I am guessing that if a coin had a hole filled in or otherwise had been used as jewelry in its prior life that ANACS would describe that as "repaired" rather than tooled? Is that a correct assumption?
I owned an ANACS "Tooled" Trade dollar that had all of the lower half reverse lettering removed. Why someone would take hours to do so back in the day is beyond me but it was a cool looking coin.
As stated, generally a tooled coin is done so to raise it a grade or two, bringing back detail that is missing.
Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'