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Coins I bought in Baltimore are now graded. Monster guess a grade post

sadysta1sadysta1 Posts: 1,311 ✭✭✭
A while ago I posted big thread displaying all the coins I bought in Baltimore. Coins were separated and went to SEGS and NGC. Today, finally coins from NGC came back (coins shipped 3/19/03). That means that NGC also had backlog of coins so don' t complain about PCGS.

Most of the coins went to SEGS (I use them bacause they put WB varieties on seated halves I collect). Four of the coins I bought in Baltimore went to SEGS
1. 1843 half dollar
2. 1892 barber quarter
3. 1842 half
4. 1839 half

Here are the pics
1843 obverse
1843 reverse
1892 obv1
1892 rev1
1842/1842 obverse
1842/1842 reverse
1839-ND obv
1839-ND rev

In addition I sent some coins to NGC. Two of my mercurey dimes I bought in Baltomore and one rosie I added for fun. Here they are:

5. 1929 dime
6. 1941-S dime
7. 1946-S dime

1929 obv
1929 rev
41-S merc dime 1
41-S merc dime 2
46-S dime 1
46-S dime 2

Here is the challenge if you choose to undertake: try to guess the grades of the coins 1 through 7. Try to identify any problem (if applicable) and varieties .
Hint some coins are designation heavy.


  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,460 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Overall, a nice group and I hope you did well with the grades.

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

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