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How Does the Ebay "Reserve" Really Work?

Say for instance I place a $15 Max Bid on Ebay but my current bid is only $4.25 and it says "Reserve Not Yet Met." Does that mean the reserve is more than my $15 max or more than my $4.25 current bid? If my $15 bid does beat the reserve do I have to wait for another bid to increase my minimum?
Just My 2 Cents,
Big Mike <><

Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all that he has done. --Colossians 2:7


  • I think it means the $15 did not meet the reserve, and if your high bid was over the reserve the bid jumps to the reserve instantly.

    Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!

    ....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!

  • Your $15 did not meet or exceed the sellers reserve. Another bidder can come along and place a $10 bid and if the increment for the auction is $1 then your Proxy will take it to $11. If another bidder came along and bid $30, and the reserve is $29.99, E-Bay will take the bid amount to $29.99. If the Reserve is $35 and another person bids $30, the bidding will go to $16 as they too did not meet the reserve, but you had a Proxy bid of $15 so E-bay system will go back and forth in $1 increment between your bid and his until either or both of you run out of money in your Proxy. If the Reserve is $25 and you bid $30, E-Bay will automatically pop the bid amount to the reserve of $25 and you'll have $5 in proxy.

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