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REg set question

Coin FinderCoin Finder Posts: 7,234 ✭✭✭✭✭
I read where if a coin as a total pop of 5 or lower it will not be included in the regisrty set. What if only 5 are graded and a sixth turns up graded, will that coin then be added to the reg set? Some early large cents fall in this catagory.




  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    Hi Mark,

    I believe it's a Pop of 5 or more gets a coin recognized in the Set Registry. We do make some exceptions, like the 1913 Liberty nickel, where we have a "with" and "without" set for these ultra rarities. If the 5th coin gets graded for a non-recognized coin, then we'd probably recognize it. The guiding rule is common sense.

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