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a collector asked me where to get bashlow 1962 restrike of continental dollar?????

michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
a coin collector asked me to help him locate the continental currency dollars struck in i think 1962 by robert bashlow in i think silver and various metals

bashlow i think used transfer dies made from original dies for these restrikes i know i have seen some for sale here and there thoughtout the past years for a couple of hundred of less or more?

does anyone on here know whom i might be able to obtain one from or a web site with motre information on these coins for this collector / AND THEN I WILL PASS THIS INFORMATION TO THIS COLLECTOR??

thanks everyone

sincerely michael


  • I would check ebay, lately I've been pursuing the 1861 bashlow confed. cent restrikes and im not that familiar with the cont. restrikes and they are less common than the 1861's but usually they pop up on ebay every few weeks.
  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    I don't know where to find any at this time but I can give you a little more information about them. Yes they are struck from transfer dies but the transfer was not taken fron the original dies but from a set made up by Dr Monroeville W Dickeson in 1876 and used to create restrikes for the Centennial celebrations.

    The Bashlow restrikes were made in silver (about 2,000 pieces) Goldine, and bronze. The dies were later used by the Boy Scouts to strike medals for their 1962 Jamboree out of aluminum.

    The Dickeson dies were also used for other restrikes. Thomas Elder used them to create restrikes in various metals in the early twentieth century, and according to Breen they were also used later by Q David Bowers for yet another run of restrikes.
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭

    i just found out that excelsior coin galleries in sacramento has the continental dollar bashlow restrikes 1961 in inventory

    they have been a coin world adveertisier for many decades and always seemed to have esoteric stuff so i took a chance and called them

    never done busienss with them brfore and real;ly never heard anything about them other than seeing their ads for many years

    i think silver is 125

    goldine is 33

    and therer is also bronze 29 and white metal 45

    i think i got the prices straight sounds like a neat deal for all the strikes of this coin for around 200.00

    sincerely michael

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