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I dont know about you but i am....

TOTALY EBAYED OUT !!! for the last 3 months i have been buying coins off ebay and frankly i cant seem to stop. about 90% of the coins i get by using the buy it now option. i just keep scaning the newly listed items and quickly look for buy it now and then i buy it now.to be honest i have gotten alot of good deals but lately it seems like all the junk is coming out of the woodwork. so now i have decided to just go to the local coin show over here twice a month . this way i can actualy examine the coins . i am getting sick of looking at adobe photo shop scans. i received a SLQ last week that was nothing like the scan from the auction.the coins i did the best on from ebay were the lincoln cent rolls (ch bu gem) 55S,68S,57PROOF, 2000 type 2 error reverse slabed, 1972 ddo,1995 ddo...the worst coins i got seem to be the slq's. these are hard to find in really nice grades for a good price.



  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭
    PM me your ebay handle and password, then I'll change your password so you can't use the account anymore.

    On second thought, since you don't know me, you might be reluctant to do that. image

    But once you start going to coin shows, I don't think you'll be as tempted to buy sight-unseen. I only get to about 3-5 shows a year, and that's enough to keep me from running to ebay a lot. There's no substitute for seeing them first!

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

  • Very true, Right now Im on the Ebay craze. I want a coin show to go to but dont have any more around Charlotte right now. Hate paying the crazy shipping charges some people ask.
    Brad T. Simms
    SQL Server Database Admin

  • JTMC - The tough economy and its effect on the employment situation, has brought out some desperate-for-cash sellers who are clearing out the attic and/or doing contract selling of others' junk and garbage. It also has brought out all the email spammers who'll do anything for a nickel - spam has gone up tenfold on an email address that I haven't used for 6 months!! It seems reasonable that there's been a simultaneous increase in the amount of junk being sold on eBay.

    NBSQLGeek - As an eBay seller, I can say that less bidding directed towards sellers with high shipping charges WILL result in lower shipping charges, across the entire seller spectrum, due to competition. This result will take some time to be readily noticeable, as the effect takes some time to cascade from one seller to the next, but patience, willpower, and communication exercised towards this goal WILL WORK!! Unfortunately, some of the blame for shipping nightmares has to rest with the new, higher postage rates and the increased usage of the shipping confirmation service (as required by PayPal) as a fraud-prevention measure. I have had to adjust my selling of certain things to minimize the shipping impact - such as: less Priority and more Parcel Post.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    dude, it's what i've been tellin ya for years! the most basic rule of buying coins is:

    do not buy coins sight-unseen

    K S
  • CLASSICSCLASSICS Posts: 1,164 ✭✭

    << <i>TOTALY EBAYED OUT !!! for the last 3 months i have been buying coins off ebay and frankly i cant seem to stop. about 90% of the coins i get by using the buy it now option. i just keep scaning the newly listed items and quickly look for buy it now and then i buy it now.to be honest i have gotten alot of good deals but lately it seems like all the junk is coming out of the woodwork. so now i have decided to just go to the local coin show over here twice a month . this way i can actualy examine the coins . i am getting sick of looking at adobe photo shop scans. i received a SLQ last week that was nothing like the scan from the auction.the coins i did the best on from ebay were the lincoln cent rolls (ch bu gem) 55S,68S,57PROOF, 2000 type 2 error reverse slabed, 1972 ddo,1995 ddo...the worst coins i got seem to be the slq's. these are hard to find in really nice grades for a good price.
    ANYONE KNOW OF A GOOD EBAY REHAB CENTER ?.................................................yes very true, some pictures dont look anything like the real coins you receive.......stick with the good people you find, and never do business with anyone who does not stand behind what they sell!!! {the no return people}...always check thier feedback.have you noticed some of these sellers......i saw one seller who had 137 negs. out of 250 sales....!!!!!!! but it now? sometimes it pays to wait....
  • route66route66 Posts: 474
    Buying sight unseen on E-bay, slabs are the only way to go. Much less chance of being stung.
  • nuckleheadnucklehead Posts: 1,500
    I lurk on eBay from time to time but have only bought one Morgan dollar over a year on a tip from a fellow board member who's judgement I trusted and was a great deal.I attend about 17 shows a year (3 Long Beach,12 North Anaheim shows and 2 Buena Park shows).Gotta love the socializing and comradeship that eBay could never replace.
    Friends are Gods way of apologizing for your relatives.
  • DracoDraco Posts: 512
    It's nice to know someone else has the same problem I do. I have, however, curtailed my spending after realizing that I dropped over 6K on ebay in the last four months. Maybe there is an EBA (ebay bidders anonymous) support group somplace image
  • paigowjohnnypaigowjohnny Posts: 4,257
    I'm getting kinda fed up with it....

    1. Sitting on high bid for like 5 or 6 days, and then getting sniped out with 2 seconds left in the middle of the night.
    2. Forget greysheet....seems like the stuff I'm after is going above RETAIL Example...I ain't gonna chase it...
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    I was addicted to ebay for several months. I found the effective treatment: going to local shows and cancelling my paypal account. After doing that at the turn of the year, I've only done a couple of transactions. I like buying coins I can actually look at, though. A lot easier than buying on approval or returning things you don't like.

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