Please help on Ref books.
Hello everyone, it has been stongly recommended that I should probably invest in some good reading material on the sets that I enjoy, prior to making many more large purchases. So after grazing through tons of old posts the only referance guide that I could find listed for Walking Liberties is by Bruce Fox. So I started pounding away at my search engine in hopes of finding a dealer or store that could possibly sell me a copy. No luck. So I'm asking all of you: If you have read the book, would you recomend it to others. If so do you know where I can by chance pick up a copy. If you do not think this is a good book, or if you know of a better book could you please suggest it to me.
The next book I'm curious about is Breen Encyclopedia to US coins. After reading tons of posts I have mixed feeling about spending the $100.00 on it right now. What I have heard negative so far has been slams to his personel life (I don't know if that thread was real, I certainly hope not.) along mint quantities not jiving up, and I read by another that it seems that he is not quite as enthusiastic about mints after 1950. I can live with all of this as long as the quality is there for V nicks, IHC, and of course my walkers.
Oh by the way I would be very interested in picking up a used copy of any of these texts from a member if they a not going to use theirs anymore, recycling knowledge is better then soda bottle returns anyday :-)
Thanks everyone
Ron and Trish
The next book I'm curious about is Breen Encyclopedia to US coins. After reading tons of posts I have mixed feeling about spending the $100.00 on it right now. What I have heard negative so far has been slams to his personel life (I don't know if that thread was real, I certainly hope not.) along mint quantities not jiving up, and I read by another that it seems that he is not quite as enthusiastic about mints after 1950. I can live with all of this as long as the quality is there for V nicks, IHC, and of course my walkers.
Oh by the way I would be very interested in picking up a used copy of any of these texts from a member if they a not going to use theirs anymore, recycling knowledge is better then soda bottle returns anyday :-)
Thanks everyone
Ron and Trish
Despite the hefty price tag, I feel that Breen's Encyclopedia is well worth it.
It might not be best for you and your specific interests, but, as a general reference source, it is wonderful.
Sadly, the references to his personal life were not a joke.
I have The Complete Guide to Walking Liberty Half Dollars by Bruce Fox, and I would recommend it. It gives some good info on each particular date and mint for the WLH. But is a tought book to find. It took me over 6 months of looking for it to finally get one. I actually signed up on a Want List through Amazon, and other places, until finally someone listed one on Amazon, and I got it. I looked forever on the internet, and contact dealers, but had no luck.
Another book on Walking Liberty's, that may be a little more easy to find, is The Walking Liberty Half Dollar, by Anthony Swiatek. It doesn't go in depth as much as Fox's book, but still about 75 pages of info.
Don't have any books on ICH or V-nickels.
I also recommend Breen's Encyclopedia, even though it's rather old. The introductory text is fascinating and he provides good pictures to illustrate varieties. Think of it as a Red Book all grown up! As for paying $100 for it, RCI (586-773-9540 or 22033 Kelly Rd., Eastpointe, MI 48021) advertises Breen for $79.95 in every issue of Coin World.
I've never ordered from either, but folks here speak well of Jack Beymer.
Check out the Southern Gold Society
I'm not sure what you heard about his personal life, he did get himself into very serious trouble (outside of the coin world), and I'll leave it at that.
Check it out there..........
Numerous POTD (But NONE officially recognized)
Seated Halves are my specialty !
Seated Half set by date/mm COMPLETE !
Seated Half set by WB# - 289 down / 31 to go !!!!!
(1) "Smoebody smack him" from CornCobWipe !