Toned MS 67 Iowa Comm.

There was a beautifully toned NGC 67 Iowa Comm in the Central States Show auction-Heritage Signature sale (lot 7665), or at least it looked that way in the pic. The link is
Did anyone get a first hand look at this coin? If yes, please comment
Did anyone get a first hand look at this coin? If yes, please comment
Greg Allen Coins, LLC Show Schedule: Authorized dealer for NGC, PCGS, CAC, and QA. Member of PNG, RTT (Founding Platinum Member), FUN, MSNS, and NCBA (formerly ICTA); Life Member of ANA and CSNS. NCBA Board member. "GA3" on CCE.
sincerely michael
also i might have seen this coin before in person who knows???
sincerely michael
sincerely michael