The rest of the Charlotte Transcripts are Up

I had a change in plans over the weekend and was able to finish the transcripts. They are all posted
now, including the introduction by Chris Cipoletti.
It was obvious by the time Diane Hager got to her closing statement that she was overwhelmed. Here
is her entire closing statement:
Accugrade, ASA-Accugrade has one percent of the marketplace. One percent. I don't see how we could
be so dangerous in that one percent. 300,000 coins versus 6,000,000. I don't know why Mr. Stuppler
is so concerned about ASA-Accugrade. There are bigger companies out there. If he's going to clean
house or be concerned, he should look to the real issues in this industry. He should look to
protecting the consumer. There's insider grading, there's registry sets that are ridiculous, there's
doctoring and all kinds of things, chemically treated coins getting through. Why isn't he concerned
about stopping the people who are doing this as opposed to my stupid little insignificant grading
company? I question his motivations. And that's it.
The Charlotte Transcripts
now, including the introduction by Chris Cipoletti.
It was obvious by the time Diane Hager got to her closing statement that she was overwhelmed. Here
is her entire closing statement:
Accugrade, ASA-Accugrade has one percent of the marketplace. One percent. I don't see how we could
be so dangerous in that one percent. 300,000 coins versus 6,000,000. I don't know why Mr. Stuppler
is so concerned about ASA-Accugrade. There are bigger companies out there. If he's going to clean
house or be concerned, he should look to the real issues in this industry. He should look to
protecting the consumer. There's insider grading, there's registry sets that are ridiculous, there's
doctoring and all kinds of things, chemically treated coins getting through. Why isn't he concerned
about stopping the people who are doing this as opposed to my stupid little insignificant grading
company? I question his motivations. And that's it.
The Charlotte Transcripts
My Complete PROOF Lincoln Cent with Major Varieties(1909-2015)Set Registry
a bigger hoard of horse #@#!!@** in my life. She is dillusional. There is no question in
my mind. Please read her closing arguments. I am still in shock. My 6 year old nephew
could have done better.
She wanted your address so she could do a driveby...
I think the ANA board did a good job of being impartial during the hearing. I'm still a little shocked that Barry Stuppler was even "admonished".
The ACG closing statement is indeed a head-scratcher. "There's registry sets that are ridiculous" - what in the world does that mean?
New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.
<< <i>So what was the end decision? >>
If you click on the link in my sigline, you will see a link on the main page for the ACG-Stuppler hearing documents. It is there in PDF format.
If you don't have Acrobat Reader installed, the ANA has also posted the decision here.
"300,000 coins out of 6,000,000. We're only 1% of the graded coins...."
First of all, my math says that's 5%.
From her testimony, it would appear she spent about 10 minutes preparing for the hearing that SHE demanded. If she does have a legal background, I understand why she does not practice. She is easily flustered and cannot construct cohesive sentences or thoughts.
By filing this complaint and exposing her company's grading techniques and "dirty laundry" she lost what little credibility she had left.
<< <i>HAGER: I'd like to see some identification, please.
STUPPLER: She's probably got a subpoena.
TILLERY: What's that?
STUPPLER: She's probably got a subpoena.
HAGER: Mr. Tillery neglected to put his address and telephone number on his statement. I have never met him and do not know in fact if this is Mr. Tillery. >>
Was she serving drinks?
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>STUPPLER: John Callandrello, a former Accugrade employee.
UNKNOWN: Good afternoon, True Grade. >>
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>Accugrade, ASA-Accugrade has one percent of the marketplace. >>
Wait a minute here. Didn't Accugrade brag in an advertisement somewhere that their coins were the most heavily traded on Ebay and/or Yahoo? And now they are saying they really aren't that big a player in the coin market? Please tell me if I'm missing something.
K6AZ, I also wanted to throw in my $.02 to show my appreciation of the work you have done in exposing ACG. Speaking as a relatively inexperienced collector, I never would have known the potential downside of ACG slabs had I not come across these boards, and I'm sure other inexperienced collectors have avoided major disappointments. Keep up the good work.