Thanks. Forgive my ignorance, but since it is noted as "obverse" I was wondering if the reverse ever comes doubled? Does the 1955 come with the same type of designation?
Great coin Ken - interesting - on the coin that has the reverse doubled - was that machine doubling or a genuine DD variety? I had never heard of the reverse doubled one
Frank, to the best of my knowledge, the reverse doubling was hub doubling. I know how to find out though. The coin shop in town opens at 1:00 PM today, and he has one. I think I'll go in and pick it up and photograph it. I'll try to have the pic up this afternoon....Ken
Congrats Ken !!!
Thanks. Forgive my ignorance, but since it is noted as "obverse" I was wondering if the reverse ever comes doubled? Does the 1955 come with the same type of designation?
Thanks. I've learned something today. That is one cool coin!