Is your most expensive coin also your favorite coin?

My most expensive coin is my Flowing hair dollar, but its not my favorite.
Is your most expensive coin also your favorite? If not, please explain why.
Is your most expensive coin also your favorite? If not, please explain why.
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
An example is I love my 1795 Flowing Hair Dollar for its historical significants:
I'm a fan of nice toning so this Franklin is one of my favorite examples but no where near the price of the Dollar above:
An then there is the stunning beauty of the GAE design in proof (better photograph coming):
So I until I find that coins with a unique combination of all of these things and can afford it
Is my most valuable coin my favorite? Yes.
I paid a lot more for my most expensive coin than I did for my most valuable coin.
Russ, NCNE
Yes, we're talking about Seated dollars... And, no, not the 1870-S.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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A decade or so later it became mine and has remained with me for the past 17 years. It would be hard to part with a coin you've known of for 28 years. It was also neat knowing that from my own modest research I was able to identify and flag down what I felt was a most unappreciated rarity. In the intervening years, and with over 10 million coins slabbed, it has remained the finest known speciman by a large margin.
bruce scher
I have a couple favorites.
1818 MS62BN Large Cent (with lots of red)
1891 MS62 Seated Quarter with nice luster, original toning, and few marks
1838 AU58 Bust Half
1880-S MS66PL Morgan
The most expensive circulated coin I have owned was one of the nicest (sold for $950.00) 1904-S XF40 This coin was a real work of art.
79 - S Obverse
79 - S Reverse
78 - S Obverse
78 - S Reverse
I love the condition of it and the fact that it has none of the file marks around the rims seen on 99.9% of these - but I guess its very much underappreciated by others.
Anyway, it's interseting to here about everybodys favorites.
My favorite coin that i still own is my m.s. 66 1892 S Barber half [2 graded by pcgs] 1 higher.
I never set out to buy this coin, i was in search of the finest barber half i'd ever seen back in 89 when it was auctioned off for an absurd amount and have been looking for it ever since, but alas, i've never found it.
Then this coin which is a better date was posted on the Heritage website and due to price i looked but didn't bite, but week after week the coin went unsold at the price they were asking so just before the coin was to go to the "make an offer section" i called and made an offer, Heritage was not the owner of the coin so they negotiated for me with the owner and we came to terms at 6700, the most expensive coin i've ever purchased and my best coin. Some people call dusky golden toning "original white" i won't try to bicker on that point, but whatever you'd call it, it has very clean surfaces for a 66 and full unbroken booming luster showing thru.
Someday, i'll get someone in my area to post a pick for me. Coin collecting is the best hobby in the world bar none!!! Les
I sure wish you had that 04-s Half again, I sure like to take that coin off your hands. I would easily give you another 500 on top the 950.