Crossing NGC to PCGS

Looking for advice, stories, experiences and the overall wisdom of my fellow forum members. I have a set in which one of the coins, 1794 50 cents, is a NGC 35. The other coins (both) in the set are all PCGS. I would like to cross it into PCGS and am looking to do it at the ANA this summer. Do I break it out? Do I ask for a minimum grade? Am I an idiot? How does one do this? The reason for the cross is strictly vanity - a consistant display looks nicer. Any comments, pro or con, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If you decide to crack out--you really need to make sure the coin meets the standards!
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
Are you a money in the bank safe kind of guy or a small cap risk kind of guy. Do what feels right.
Do not crack it out! There umpteen rerasons that may keep this coin from going back in a slab, even back in an NGC slab.
I would start by paying the $30 for the PCGS crossover fee and use the minimum grade. If it won't cross then you will have it back in time to walk it up to PCGS at the show this summer and maybe find out why. IMHO
This is a loaded question - does PCGS ever upgrade a cross?
Based on my limited experience I would recommend submitting coins as crossovers and not cracking them out.
You are like the Compulsive Vegas Gambler. He will brag about the 10 grand he won but will
always fail to tell you of the 100 grand he lost. The dirty little secret is that after cracking out a coin.
the can be downgraded or worse. ITS WHAT IS KNOWN AS A CR*P SHOOT.
What Bear said.
I understand that it is the coin, not the plastic. Laibenstein (sp) had two 35's in his case at Baltimore priced about 3k difference and he was absolutely right.
I am just trying to figure out the least painful path to my destination. Thanks again.
<< <i> I would like to cross it into PCGS and am looking to do it at the ANA this summer. Do I break it out? Do I ask for a minimum grade? Am I an idiot? How does one do this? >>
If you really want an unbiased opinion, take and cut the top of the slab off with a bandsaw and submit the remaining holder and coin.
I agree with some comments above, there is no reason to risk cracking this one out.
I think they occasionally upgrade coins that go in for crosses. Most often with modern coins they don't cross them at the same grade at all. I think there is a much better chance of crossing a classic like that at the same grade.
I don't think I would crack out an early half either. Early halves are known for having hairlines and other surface factors, and that's always a risk for a bodybag. PCGS should respect the originality of the coin, but why take the risk, especially since it is a valuable coin (6-7K or so?). Try crossing it over, and if it doesn't cross, then ask PCGS for an explanation why, and ask them for the grade they determined the coin to be. If they tell you their grade is lower than the NGC grade, you can ask them to holder the coin at that grade. You can also ask them why they didn't feel the coin should cross. This will give you a lot of information about your coin, and heck, you have the right to ask, since you're paying a grading fee. Get the most of of that fee! Good luck with your submission, hopefully, they'll just cross the coin.
One day I'll crack out a few just to see what happens then.
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