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1957 Topps Wax Box

What does everyone think of this? He has boxes from many different years for sale. Has anyone dealt with this seller before?

Kellogg's Krazy
1974 Topps


  • Kellogg's, I wouldn't be the Krazy about it. I collected unopened boxes for many many years and most of those boxes had never been found let alone in quantity when I quit. This would require a string of cases being found all at once. Also note that every box listed is the "premium series" for the year. No pictures. Three day auctions? Highly skepitcal from this info. Hard to keep a find like that a secret if that many cases were opened. If it is real and the cases were recently opened, then there are 19 other boxes just like them which should hit the market shortly and drive the prices down.
    I have never done business with guy and his feedback isn't bad but without a authentication of the sources of the cases and confirmation of a find, my interest level would be zero.
    Wanted: Bell Brands FB and BB, Chiefs regionals especially those ugly milk cards, Coke caps, Topps and Fleer inserts and test issues from the 60's. 1981 FB Rack pack w/ Jan Stenerud on top.
  • www.LloydWTaylor.com
    Vintage Baseball Cards
    Sales and Ebay Consignment Service
    Lloyd_Taylor_Vintage_Cards -- on Ebay
  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    He's got some various 60s and 70s wax boxes up - all say "from a sealed case" and none have pictures. So. . .I saw he had a 72 box - allegedly Series 1 - that follows the script. Well. . .I decided to send him an inquiry -

    Dear Seller,
    I'm interested in this Series 1 box. You say it's out of a sealed case. I would like to see a picture of the case that it came out of before placing a bid. I've found when purchasing a wax box from 1972, the condition of the case is an extremely telling indicator of the cards inside the box.

    I'll let you know what I get back. . .
    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
  • Fuzz - I agree with you sound to good to be true !!

    Lloyd's - Thanks for the link, I really need to learn how to do that.

    Mcastaldi - Keep us informed this should be interesting !!
    Kellogg's Krazy
    1974 Topps
  • I saw the same auctions for the vintage boxes the seller has up. However I noticed that they were not being bid up that quickly. I can't imagine bidding on any of these 4 or 5 vintage sealed box auctions without seeing the pictures of the exact box I would be buying.

    No offense agains the seller but I would believe it if Mark Murphy was the auctioneer or even Alan Rosen. A case of 1957 and 1958 wax boxes sealed!!!! C'mon whats the catch?
  • I just looked at the series of auctions for the unopened boxes and I just get a concerned feeling from them. There are no scans and is it just a coincidence that every unopened box is from the series that the best card is in . 1969 is from the Jackson series, all the others say Mickey Mantle except the 63 which is ironically from the Rose series. A scan of the box plus the packs would be reassuring otherwise I would not feel comfortable parting with any money unless I picked the box up in person.
    If it's worth doing..It's worth overdoing!!
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    he lives about a half an hour from mark murphy you would think he could maximize big if he had them graded ??
    Collector Focus

  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭
    I created a tongue-in-cheek post about this seller on the Sports Collectibles Forum a few days ago...

    Here, complete with voting poll!
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • WabittwaxWabittwax Posts: 1,984 ✭✭✭
    This does sound to good to be true. If it is true, he's the stupidist seller alive for not providing pictures. I can't imagine though somebody trying to rip people off for this much money when they live in the US. Plus he gives his phone number on the auction page. The FBI would be all over this like stink on you know what. People get like 20 years in prison for this kind of fraud. I can't imagine somebody being that dumb.
    Anyone live around Milford CT ???

    A board member should "pop in" for a little peek !!

    Please report back...

    My guess is that this is a hoax..

    I LOVE FANCY CURRENCY, pretty girls, Disney Dollars, pretty girls, MPC's, ..did I mention pretty girls???


  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭
    I wonder what the legal definition of "Fraud" would be....

    We all look at this auction and assume that it is an unopened wax box that was recently taken from a sealed case. However, the seller never states anything like this (though he clearly wants you to think that).

    A) The seller only says "wax box". The seller never even states that there are packs in this wax box, that the packs are unsearched, nor does the seller state that there are even any cards included.

    B) The seller says "sealed case". The seller does not say who sealed the case, when the case was sealed, nore does the seller indicate when the alleged wax box was removed from the sealed case. As a matter of fact -- (as crazysc pointed out), all wax boxes can be assumed to have come from a case at some point.

    C) The word "unopened" appears no where in his auction listing.

    This seller is being very deceptive and very misleading. I fully concede all that. Nonetheless -- I wonder how liable the seller really would be in this instance. Unfortunately, his lack of details does not allow one to make any conclusion as to what they will receive. Is it the dream of the 1957 Topps unopened, unsearched wax box? Or is it merely the actualy display box from the Mantle series from 1957? Both interpretations can be made from his listing -- and both are probably incorrect. What you will get? It's hard to say.
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • I asked a bunch of questions about the 1969 box, if he had a picture, if since it was a sealed case if he had other boxes, was the box open, etc. The only answer I got was "There are 24 packs per and yes i opened the box just to check on the series".

    Looking for:
    Any high grade OPC Jim Palmer
    High grade Redskins (pre 1980)
  • I don't get it. The seller seems to know enough about cards to know how to make it appear valuable. Yet he must think we're all stupid. We know something like this doesn't just pop up on e-bay.
    Strong buyer of 1970 Kelloggs Football & 1971 Kelloggs Baseball and Football. Please help me find cards!
    I have a few hundred extra PSA graded 1971 Kellogg's cards. E-mail for price list. Looking for 1970 Topps Supers in PSA 9 too.
  • 19541954 Posts: 2,908 ✭✭✭
    I got burned one time for $1000 on a card. The guy was selling cards that did not exist. He was stealing scans and took about $10,000 from three people combined. We tried getting Ebay involved and they did nothing. We tried prosecuting him and the police did nothing. I don't understand how people live with themselves doing this type of stuff.

    Looking for high grade rookie cards and unopened boxes/cases
  • It's gone. Auction was ended early.
    Kellogg's Krazy
    1974 Topps
  • GalvestonGalveston Posts: 273
    I still want to know this guy's story. Should e-bay consider a lifetime ban if he can't prove he had the items?
    Strong buyer of 1970 Kelloggs Football & 1971 Kelloggs Baseball and Football. Please help me find cards!
    I have a few hundred extra PSA graded 1971 Kellogg's cards. E-mail for price list. Looking for 1970 Topps Supers in PSA 9 too.
  • rbeatonrbeaton Posts: 631
    Some of his other boxes are still there: 1963, 1965, 1968 and 1969. I wonder why these are still there...


    Looking for:
    Any high grade OPC Jim Palmer
    High grade Redskins (pre 1980)
  • crazysccrazysc Posts: 291
    I used to live in Hartford CT (he's in Milford) - this would be a good example of auctions I'd bid on and win (at a heavy discount) and tell the guy to meet me at the nearest Fleet bank to him. If they're OK, he gets a cashier's check on the spot. If not, he'll be a little disappointed. 9 times out of 10 the guy backs out when he realizes he's not going to score, but I've gotten lucky on the occasional hit.

    I know the Aaron RC PSA 10 that was sold to a major collector a few years back for $100K - it originally sold on ebay with a terrible writeup, and an associate of mine took a flyer, flew down to Florida and picked it up in person - a real PSA 10 despite the fact no scan was shown! And he got it at quite a discount.
    Why do I get the feeling, that some cards are worth money, while others are not?
  • He has now ended all the boxes early. What a strange auction. Do you guys think ebay found him out. There is no way he had all those boxes and he was just feeling out the market, is there?
    Kellogg's Krazy
    1974 Topps
  • toppsguntoppsgun Posts: 787

    maybe he was fishing for a market price in order to make a private sale.

    if so, he missed out on any last minute snipes.

    my better judgement tells me that it was all a scam.
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