Here is a question the Registry set owners may want to comment on. It seems that PCGS, in an effort to get more sets registered has broken down some traditional sets into sub sets and has also expanded the variety classifications. The old saying of "the more the merrier" may apply, but, as an example, do we need BOTH a 1950-to date and a 1959-to date Lincoln cent proof sets in both basic and with varieties. Your thoughts are welcome. Steve

Russ, NCNE
at #1 position. All of us are entitled to at least 15 minutes of fame or at least the
possibility thereof.
A "to each his/her own" type of approach.
My Complete PROOF Lincoln Cent with Major Varieties(1909-2015)Set Registry
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
At the same time, I can work on sub interests. I once came across a nice batch of 59 proof sets, and slabbed many coins, so I have a 1959 proof set registered. I also had many nice unsearched 65/66/67 SMS sets I bought/slabbed. I have sets of these registered as well.
Even a little guy can be king in his part of the pond!
Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
for me i think we need more registry sets as this is for fun and it gives everyone an even better chance to participate!
some would see a set a new registry set to be created and really like it for various reasons and then try to complete it or vie for the finest!
i think it is good friendly collecting fun i mean that is what it is really about
we are not talking about serious subjects like doctors requirements for surgery
or ethics standards
just collecting for fun! just little disks of metal so for me the more sets the better!
this i think will create more demand for collectors and help make the hobby stronger
more registry sets YES GFI meaning go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sincerely michael
i mean weather you got the number one set worth millinos or you have a set worth 100 dollars or less!
who cares? what is important is the goal and the excitement of trying to complete the set as YOU WANT TO BE!
and try within an established set of parameters to complete it to the best of your ability
<< <i>I know what will happen if russ gets his wish, he will have the first top 20 sets listed. >>
Hehe, that's a thought.
The real deal is that there are quite a few collectors that like the early silver content Kennedy's, but can really take or leave the '71 to date stuff. Even the new silvers, although nice, have the radical design change on the obverse that just somehow makes them less desirable.
I can think of a couple collectors that sold off their proof Kennedy sets, but are still buying and focusing on the 1964 to 1970 years. It also occurs to me that with a short set, we could draw in some new collectors that either don't have the time or the resources to assemble the entire 53 coin set.
Russ, NCNE
sincerely michael
that would be a grest addtiton to the registry!
Thank you. It means a great deal to me that a numismatist of your caliber would support the idea!
Russ, NCNE
with the "normal" coins as required, and the varieties listed as optional so you could still post
them on the set registry. Having said that, I want a type set for each year listed, for people like
me who will never have the greatest 1792-1964 type set (although I am having a great time
working on it!) but have been working on a specific year.
What is 1872 to you? That is way cool IMHO. I have completed the 1794 silver set but I doubt it is in the top 50 nicest.
I was born in 1972, so I just went back 100 years. Of course I did not think at the time
about how hard it was going to be to find a few of the dates. (And I am not even going
to try to talk my wife into the proof G$1 and $3 for several years!) I just picked up the
72-CC dime; my next goal is the 72-S quarter. I'm six coins away from a complete set of
business strike mint mark and proofs for the non-gold, and I am slowly starting to add
mint marks to my gold (but no proof gold yet). Oh well, it's fun hunting for them!
sincerely michael
for me i have begun to appreciate the kennedy halves more and more big coins with some really rare coins in top grades with the accent hair and deep cameo combination
or the deep cameo sms coins
sincerely michael
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!"
"If it don't make $"
"It don't make cents""