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New Nickel is now official

Nation to Get Newly Designed Nickels

United States Mint Director: "We are in a renaissance of coin design."

WASHINGTON – The nickel will soon have a new look. President Bush has signed an historic bill that authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to change the designs of 5-cent coins issued in 2003, 2004 and 2005 in recognition of the bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark expedition. The design of the nickel has remained unchanged since 1938. In 2006, the nickel will return to a depiction of President Thomas Jefferson on the “heads” side and an image of Jefferson’s home, Monticello, on the “tails” side.


  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    Now that the Mint has the green light to produce these new commemerative nickles, I,d like to know where in the process we are today. Has the design even been approved? Or are they in the process of minting them now?
    I did read that its possible that we won`t see the new nickel until early `04.
    I guess then the `04s won`t come out until `05 and the `05s won`t come out until.....etc..

    Who knows with the Mint.image

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