Another Ebay Dealer to cross of your list

S & P Coin, Stamp, & Jewelry
Salina, KS
He just told me I'm not worth his time since I only buy $5 coins.....
S & P Coin, Stamp, & Jewelry
Salina, KS
He just told me I'm not worth his time since I only buy $5 coins.....
Thanks for the a****le alert.
And I had bought other items from him under my old Ebay handle.
Oh well the scum rises to the top.
Than let's say that, over the course of a year, you add just one of these new customers per week. The following year, you have 52 new customers who will spend $260 each. It adds up very quickly, and it all starts with that one little guy that you treated right.
Russ, NCNE
I just e-mailed him and asked if he was selling anything I needed.
His reply was "I don't have time you only bought $5 last time"
.........and on page 143 of the "Guide To 2 Second Responses To Idiots" it lists the following-----Bite Me!!!
send that on over to him and i bet he replies.
al h.
Even doing a deal or two that loses a little money goes a long way to establishing a base. Again, respect and equal treatment is the key.
If this person doesn't want your business, then don't deal with them. There are others out there who understand customer service who will seve you much better down the road.
Thanks for sharing the name with us.
"You did not buy $5 tokens, you bought a $5 token! This was after I spent
over 30 min. going through my SE KS tokens for you & now, you want me to do
it again? "
Fool doesn't even know I spent $12. Also he only gave me a list of about 10 tokens.
Also, real funny how it's not worth it for a "$5" coin but he has many listings that are in that range it had to take him 10-20mins/listing to do that.
click me for ebayer's auctions