Why are modern high-grade lincolns going so cheap

I was looking on ebay today and found that high grade lincolns, for example 2000-d ms68 are going for under $20, is the market slow for these or what?
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and cause much less wear to the dies so more gems can be made by new
dies. The copper "shell" provides some protection from marking and the
lighter weight means collisions are less likely to leave marks. In the early
years of the zinc cent there were serious problems with the surfaces of the
zinc coins but these were mostly overcome by '86. There are no mint sets
for the first couple years and even the mint set coins were affected by the
surface problems in '84 and '85. After this many beautiful gems start show-
ing up in mint sets with some regularity. These are often fully proof like and
virtually mark free at the very high end.
Most of the pre-'84 memorials are quite scarce or rare in gem.